- 1. Through this incision, the abdominal cavity is distended with carbon dioxide gas.
- 通过此切口,二氧化碳气体把胸腔充得肿胀起来。
- 2. What is most noticeable is this cavity, this fluid-filled cavity that begins to develop.
- 最明显的是这个腔,这个充满液体的腔开始发育。
- 3. In contrast to cavity QED systems, the researchers can custom tailor the circuitry in many areas.
- 与腔QED系统相比,研究人员可以在许多领域定制电路。
- 4. Make sure you don't eat anything like steaks for the next few hours, and we'll fill the other cavity tomorrow.
- 你要保证,在接下来的几个小时里,不要吃任何像牛排之类的东西。明天我们会把另一个洞补上。
- 5. The cells of this cluster inside next to the fluid-filled cavity is a region of the blastocyst called the inner cell mass.
- 在充满液体的腔体旁边的这个簇状细胞是囊胚的一个区域,称为内细胞团。
- 6. Ultraviolet radiation and violent stellar winds have blown out an enormous cavity in the gas and dust enveloping the cluster.
- 紫外线和猛烈的星际风,在气体以及包裹星群的灰尘上吹出了一个硕大的洞。
- 7. The first digital designs of the bones surrounding the sinus cavity actually bore a striking resemblance to an uninjured human skull.
- 窦腔周围骨骼的第一个数字设计实际上与未受伤的人类头骨惊人地相似。
- 8. Heart transplants were once considered immoral–how could you open the chest cavity of one person and transplant the heart into the body of another person?
- 心脏移植曾经一度被认为是不道德的——你怎么可以在一个人的胸部开个洞,然后把心脏移植到另外一个人的身体里呢?
- 9. Once ingested by a caterpillar, the protein globule dissolves, releasing thousands of viruses, or virions, that after about two weeks multiply enough to fill the entire body cavity.
- 一旦被毛虫摄入,蛋白质小球就会溶解,释放出数以千计的病毒或病毒粒子,大约两周后这些病毒就会大量繁殖,足以填满整个体腔。
- 10. The prey is transported to the gastrovascular cavity.
- 猎物被运送至腔肠。
- 11. The ventral cavity includes the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities and their subpisions.
- 腹侧腔包括胸腔和盆腹腔及其细分。
- 12. These two compartments are synovial cavities, which consists of an upper and a lower synovial cavity.
- 这两个隔室是滑膜腔,由上、下滑膜腔组成。
- 13. Coelomate has a body cavity containing the internal organs.
- 体腔动物拥有一个体腔包含内部器官。
- 14. Pain and pressure in your sinus cavity.
- 引起了你鼻腔的疼痛和压感。
- 15. Pain or cramp in the pelvic cavity or/and tail bone
- 盆腔/尾骨痉挛或有痛感
- 16. In all lasers, light is repeatedly reflected within a mirrored cavity.
- 在所有的激光器中,光都在一个反射腔中重复反射。
- 17. In the nose, cilia help to drain mucus from the nasal cavity down to the throat.
- 比方说鼻子,纤毛可以帮助粘液从鼻腔流到喉咙。
- 18. Infrared observations have shown that the explosion took place in a cavity in space.
- 红外线观测表明爆炸发生在太空的一个空洞里。
- 19. Perform 10 pressures on a cavity just below the corner of the eyes near the nose (point 2)
- 在鼻梁两侧的眼角穴位按10下(位置2)
- 20. To read out the answer, DiCarlo used a microwave tone at the same frequency as the cavity in the system.
- 为了输出答案,DiCarlo使用了微波音调,其频率和系统的空穴频率一致。
- 21. As I write, my brain feels as if it's rotating very gently, floating uncertainly inside the cavity of my skull.
- 我在写下这些话的时候,大脑有轻微的眩晕,意识似乎是在我的头颅里漂浮。
- 22. So if you're snacking on candy several times a day instead of just once, your teeth are exposed to more cavity-causing acid.
- 所以,如果你少食多餐的吃甜食而不是一次吃完,你的牙齿就会被酸腐蚀的更久。
- 23. Pooling in the pelvic cavity. Which means her heart was stillpumping. She was still alive when this . . . procedure was done.
- 骨盆腔有血液淤积,说明当时她的心脏还在跳动。整个过程中,她都还一直活着。
- 24. The polynyas suggest that the warm water exits the cavity beneath the glacier in three locations where the sea ice has melted.
- 这些个冰穴说明,有三处暖流从冰川下的凹陷处升上来导致海冰融化了。
- 25. The authors write that this observation may help explain why a 1996 study found that FruA contributed to cavity formation in rats.
- 论文作者该提出,这项观测结果可以解释为什么1996年的一项研究发现FruA促进大鼠蛀牙的形成。
- 26. The authors write that this observation may help explain why a 1996 study found that FruA contributed to cavity formation in rats.
- 论文作者该提出,这项观测结果可以解释为什么1996年的一项研究发现FruA促进大鼠蛀牙的形成。