- 1. She crammed her mouth with caviar.
- 她塞了一嘴鱼子酱。
- 2. Lloyd had urged her to eat caviar. She had shuddered at the thought.
- 劳埃德已鼓动她吃鱼子酱。可她一想到这个就打哆嗦了。
- 3. At Fortnum's, you'll find the finest caviar, cheeses, fresh fruit, veg, fish, poultry and meats, as well as a huge range of teas and, of course, marmalade!
- 在福特纳姆梅森百货,你可以找到上好的鱼子酱、奶酪、新鲜水果、蔬菜、鱼、家禽、肉类以及种类繁多的茶叶,当然还有,果酱!
- 4. "It's like the caviar of potatoes," he said.
- “这种小土豆就如同土豆中的鱼子酱,”雷哲毕说。
- 5. The eggs are the largest of the fish eggs used for caviar.
- 在用来做鱼子酱的各种鱼卵之中,这种鱼卵是最大的。
- 6. Second to caviar, foie gras is one of the finest western foods available.
- 鹅肝是西方最好的食物之一,仅次于鱼子酱。
- 7. Before you pay big money for caviar, check with two New York City high school students.
- 在花大价钱购买鱼子酱之前,你应该找纽约市的两位高中生帮忙鉴定一下。
- 8. Whenever, the local stock market jumps five to ten per cent we do sell a lot more caviar.
- 无论何时,只要国内股市上涨5%到10%,我们卖出的鱼子酱就会增加很多。
- 9. In the meantime, however, there is always another caviar tasting that demands my attention.
- 然而与此同时,总是有人在品尝鱼子酱而引起我的注意。
- 10. And if along the way you want to gorge on caviar or get a tattoo, that's entirely up to you.
- 至于在路上你想大吃鱼子酱还是刻个纹身,那就完全取决于你自己了。
- 11. There's fine dining — you can get smoked halibut and quails' eggs with caviar in the Gallery.
- 还有优良的餐饮设施——你可以在装饰着油画的餐厅享用烟熏比目鱼和鱼子酱鹌鹑蛋。
- 12. The Caspian holds a great amount of sturgeon, which yield eggs that are processed into caviar.
- 里海生产大量的鲟鱼,这些鲟鱼可以加工成鱼子酱。
- 13. Each couple will help cook dinner consisting of Smoked Salmon, Creme Fraiche and Caviar and more.
- 每一对情侣将合作完成一顿晚餐的烹饪,其中包括:烟熏三文鱼、鲜奶油、鱼子酱等等。
- 14. You can choose between the salmon, silver salmon, red salmon and dog salmon caviar and taste any of them.
- 你能够在不同大马哈鱼制成的鱼子酱中进行选择和品尝,有银大马哈鱼,红大马哈鱼和白大马哈鱼。
- 15. Gourmets are going to have to pay a lot more for their black caviar this year if they can find it at all.
- 美食家们今年将不得不为黑鱼子酱花更多的钱——如果他们能找到的话。
- 16. A single hope underlies all of them: if Germans will not pay for caviar, perhaps they will buy a nice tin.
- 他们抱有一个共同的期望:就算德国人不买鱼子酱,或许也会买一听美味的罐头吧。
- 17. In sumptuous first-class cabins, humidity can plunge to 5%, sapping the bouquet from champagne and caviar.
- 而在豪华的头等舱内,湿度会陡降至5%,破坏了香槟和鱼子酱的美味。
- 18. There is doubtless a case for banning other types of food, such as some types of caviar and some species of whale.
- 我们无疑有理由禁止食用其它食物,比如某类鱼子酱和某些种类的鲸。
- 19. Chocolate could become as rare as caviar, said John Mason of the Ghana-based Nature Conservation Research Council.
- 加纳自然保护研究委员会成员JohnMason说,巧克力可能会变的像鱼子酱一样稀少。
- 20. If you have not experienced eating caviar, when you bite down each egg pops and releases a slightly salty-fishy flavour.
- 如果你没有尝试过鱼子酱,那么当你咬下每一口时,你会感到鱼卵散发出咸腥味。
- 21. Beluga caviar is generally served on its own on small pieces of toast as it needs no additions of flavour to improve it.
- Beluga鱼子酱一般是直接涂抹在一小片烤面包上,然后直接享用的,因为它不需要其他的调味来提升口感。
- 22. A supposed sheep's milk cheese was actually from cows. And alleged sturgeon caviar was just cheap Mississippi paddlefish eggs.
- 他们还发现了有些人用牛奶来冒充羊奶奶酪、用便宜的密西西比白鲟鱼籽来做所谓的鲟鳇鱼子酱。
- 23. Amid the caviar and oyster bars, cigar smoke and thousand-dollar hats, attendees come to see and be seen, to posture and preen.
- 雪茄的烟雾和价值上千美元的帽子,穿梭在摆满鱼子酱和牡蛎的吧台,这些前来的与会者既是为了参观,又是为了让别人注意到自己,他们精心修饰,卖弄姿态。
- 24. It must decide who will eat caviar and who will eat potatoes. It must decide who will drive a Porsche and who will take the bus.
- 它必须决定谁吃鱼子酱、开宝时捷,而谁只能吃马铃薯,搭公交车。
- 25. “It's like the caviar of potatoes,” he said. “It's going to be much more expensive, because you can't touch the field for two years.”
- “这种小土豆就如同土豆中的鱼子酱,”雷哲毕说。“不过它的价格要贵得多,毕竟它的收获期长达两年。”
- 26. Miss Zeta-Jones's hair is washed with a truffle-based shampoo, then smeared with the caviar and which is combed through and left to set.
- 泽塔-琼斯用富含松露的洗发水洗发,然后抹上鱼子酱、将其梳匀后再晾一会。
- 27. Miss Zeta-Jones's hair is washed with a truffle-based shampoo, then smeared with the caviar and which is combed through and left to set.
- 泽塔-琼斯用富含松露的洗发水洗发,然后抹上鱼子酱、将其梳匀后再晾一会。