- 1. The 3rd Cavalry went on the offensive.
- 第3装甲兵团继续发动进攻。
- 2. He was arguing with the king about the need to maintain the cavalry at full strength.
- 他在和国王讨论保留骑兵全部兵力的必要性。
- 3. The cavalry must immediately replenish the new horse.
- 骑兵部队必须立即补充新马。
- 4. They formed up in battle line, infantry in the center, cavalry on the wings, artillery to the rear firing over their heads.
- 他们排成作战队形,步兵在中央,骑兵在两翼,炮兵在后面朝他们头顶上方开火。
- 5. Horses were adopted by peoples of the West African savannah, and later their powerful cavalry forces allowed them to carve out large empires.
- 西非大草原上的人们驯养了马,后来他们强大的骑兵部队使他们得以建立起庞大的帝国。
- 6. I was assigned to Troop A of the 10th Cavalry.
- 我被分派到了第10装甲部队的A大队。
- 7. Riding small native Irish horses, 'hobins", which are well suited to the marshes and rugged terrain of Ireland, the Gaelic Hobiguir are able to outmaneuvre heavier cavalry with ease."
- 霍比居骑兵骑乘的霍宾马种体格坚韧,对爱尔兰地区的沼泽丛林适应极佳,因此能令他们在此轻松击败更为重装的骑兵部队。
- 8. We were taken in flank by a troop of cavalry.
- 我们翼侧受到一队骑兵的袭击。
- 9. The cavalry charged to the front.
- 骑兵猛烈向前线冲击。
- 10. But the cavalry took too long to prepare.
- 不过骑兵却准备了太长的时间。
- 11. The English cavalry was at their back.
- 英国的骑兵已在他们的背后。
- 12. Wellington perceived it, and thought of his cavalry.
- 威灵顿见了,想到了他的骑兵。
- 13. It was the remaining half of the justly celebrated English cavalry.
- 那是那些名不虚传的英国骑兵的一半。
- 14. It is likely that he served in the cavalry in various campaigns against Sparta.
- 他可能曾经多次在对抗斯巴达人的战役中作为骑兵服役。
- 15. At 23 he became brigadier general of volunteers in command of a Michigan cavalry brigade.
- 23岁时他被任命为志愿军一个骑兵旅的准将。
- 16. He carried a letter with him which was addressed to a captain of 6th cavalry regiment.
- 他身上带着一封信,是写给第六骑兵团一个队长的。
- 17. All this cavalry debouched on the plateau, and it was like the appearance of an earthquake.
- 全部骑兵已经冲上了高地,并且出现了有如天崩地裂的局面。
- 18. But Martha Parks Lindley joined up just two days after her husband left for the 6th U.S. Cavalry.
- 而玛莎·帕克斯·林德利的丈夫开赴第六骑兵营,两天后,她也加入了。
- 19. Both sides used cavalry, but Alexander defeated the Persians again and took their city of Babylon.
- 双方都使用骑兵,但是亚历山大又一次击败了波斯,并占有了他们的城市巴比伦。
- 20. A North Carolina regiment mistook them for enemy cavalry and opened fire, severely wounding Jackson.
- 北卡罗莱纳州的一群士兵把他们误认为是敌军骑兵而开火了,这造成了杰克逊严重的创伤。
- 21. If Bohemia or Moravia are to be the scene of action, unless you mean to destroy all your cavalry.
- 如果波西米亚或摩拉维亚都被现场的行动,除非你的意思是要全部摧毁你的骑兵。
- 22. The cavalry clash was indecisive, but Stuart was neutralized and posed no threat to the Federal rear.
- 虽然这两支骑兵的战斗对整个战局并无决定性的影响,但斯图亚特因此无法抽身,使北军没有了的后顾之忧。
- 23. To pert the enemy he sent a detachment of cavalry to make a feint across the Vorskla south of Poltava.
- 为了诱惑敌人,他派了一支骑兵分队从波尔塔瓦以南佯渡沃斯卡拉河。
- 24. The Sheep Eaters lived in the river corridor for thousands of years before the U.S. Cavalry drove them out.
- 在美国骑兵将食羊人驱赶出去之前,他们已在河道的狭长地带生活了几千年了。
- 25. Having lost the element of surprise, Charles threw his infantry against the redoubts to clear a path for the cavalry.
- 失去了出其不意的可能性,查理派出步兵清理角面堡为骑兵打开道路。
- 26. Mr Gwynne’s focus is the Comanches, a tribe that he describes as “the greatest light cavalry on earth” during their heyday.
- 格温先生重点着笔于卡曼契人,他将全盛时期的卡曼契族形容为“地球最伟大的轻骑兵”。
- 27. In reality he was a fine soldier, "one of the best cavalry officers, if not the best, in the Union Army" in the American civil war.
- 真是的情况是,他是一名好军人,美国内战中盟军“最优秀的骑兵指挥官之一,如果不算最最优秀的话”。
- 28. Then there was Charlotte Hope, who signed up in the 1st Virginia Cavalry to avenge the death of her fiancé, killed in a raid in 1861.
- 还有夏洛特·霍普,她加入弗吉尼亚第一骑兵营,是为未婚夫报仇;1861年,她未婚夫死于一次偷袭。
- 29. Then there was Charlotte Hope, who signed up in the 1st Virginia Cavalry to avenge the death of her fiancé, killed in a raid in 1861.
- 还有夏洛特·霍普,她加入弗吉尼亚第一骑兵营,是为未婚夫报仇;1861年,她未婚夫死于一次偷袭。