- 1. The case never came to trial.
- 这个案件从未开庭审理。
- 2. The case was full of clothes.
- 该箱子满是衣服。
- 3. Let me carry your case for you.
- 我来帮你提箱子吧。
- 4. She took her case to a tribunal.
- 她把案件提交特别法庭审理。
- 5. The case resulted in an acquittal.
- 此案件最终作出无罪判决。
- 6. The case will be decided by a jury.
- 这案件将由陪审团裁决。
- 7. He zipped his case shut.
- 他拉上了箱子的拉锁。
- 8. The case has attracted wide publicity.
- 这个案件得到广泛的关注。
- 9. This case has been intensively studied.
- 对这一个案已进行深入研究。
- 10. This case falls outside my jurisdiction.
- 这个案件不属于我的管辖范围。
- 11. The case was referred to a higher court.
- 案件转到了上一级法院。
- 12. She argued her case calmly and rationally.
- 她冷静而又理智地为她的情况辩解。
- 13. The prosecution rests its case.
- 控方对案情陈述完毕。
- 14. He argued his case forcefully.
- 他雄辩地阐述了他的立场。
- 15. The text is all in lower case.
- 正文一律用小写字体。
- 16. This is a clear case of fraud.
- 这无疑是一桩诈骗案。
- 17. We have two agents on the case.
- 我们有两名探员在侦察此案。
- 18. This is not invariably the case.
- 事情并非总是如此。
- 19. The case was adjourned sine die.
- 此案无限期延迟审理。
- 20. It was a clear case of homicide.
- 这是一起确信无疑的谋杀案。
- 21. I'm determined to fight the case.
- 我决意要打这场官司。
- 22. Her case was convincingly argued.
- 她的辩辞很有说服力。
- 23. Headings should be in upper case.
- 标题应该大写。
- 24. The case will be heard next week.
- 此案下周审理。
- 25. The case was tried before a jury.
- 此案是由陪审团参加审理的。
- 26. The case has to be made watertight.
- 案由必须做到无懈可击。
- 27. He is the prime suspect in the case.
- 他是这个案子的首要嫌疑人。
- 28. Her maid locked the case in the safe.
- 她的女仆把那盒子锁进了保险箱。
- 29. The case was dismissed.
- 此案已被驳回。
- 30. Her porce case comes up next month.
- 她的离婚案在下月审理。