- 1. Treasure the Unromantic Living, Psalm of Life, the caritas is infinite.
- 珍惜平淡生活,礼赞生命,大爱无边。
- 2. This kind of caritas, speaking inpidually, is a kind of pity, namely the sympathy said by Mencius;
- 这种博爱,小而言之,是一种同情心,是孟子所说的“恻隐之心”;
- 3. Caritas Jockey Club Lai King Rehabilitation Centre members learn about the history and production of Coca Cola.
- “明爱赛马会荔景社会服务中心”的学员认识可口可乐的历史背景及汽水制作过程。
- 4. Caritas organizes food distribution for refugee families, more than half of whom have only a mother in the camp.
- Caritas为难民家庭发放食品,难民营中超过一半的人只有母亲在世。
- 5. The following information is provided by the Caritas Macau and posted by Information and Public Relations Office .
- 以下资料由澳门明爱提供, 新闻及公共关系部代传。
- 6. Inspired by broken egg shell, this chic wedding gown comes from Cheung in Ting from Caritas Bianchi College of Careers.
- 就读明爱白英奇专业学校的CheunginTing,以破裂的蛋壳为灵感来源,设计出这条时尚的婚纱。
- 7. I have read several reviews commenting the friendly service offered by Caritas Bianchi Lodge but I did not experience any of it.
- 我之前看过很多这里的好评,说这里的工作人员很友好,但是我没感受到。
- 8. But despite some lapses into trendy jargon, Caritas in Veritate (Charity in Truth), a 144-page encyclical issued by Pope Benedict XVI on July 7th, is certainly not a banal or trivial document.
- 尽管有些流于时髦行话的纰漏,这份由教皇本笃十六世于7月7日发表的144页的教皇通谕《真理中的善行》,显然不是平庸或无关轻重之作。
- 9. But despite some lapses into trendy jargon, Caritas in Veritate (Charity in Truth), a 144-page encyclical issued by Pope Benedict XVI on July 7th, is certainly not a banal or trivial document.
- 尽管有些流于时髦行话的纰漏,这份由教皇本笃十六世于7月7日发表的144页的教皇通谕《真理中的善行》,显然不是平庸或无关轻重之作。