- 1. Americans are too self-centered, too careerist, goes the criticism.
- 指责美国人太自私,事业心太强。
- 2. In Toronto, the careerist capital of Canada, when strangers meet, they don't say "How do you do?"
- 在多伦多这个追名逐利者之都,陌生人见面彼此并不说“你好吗?”
- 3. If everyone understands the reason, I am afraid there will not be a quest for fame and fortune while some careerist unscrupulous things.
- 如果人人都明白这个道理,恐怕便不会发生一些野心家为争夺名利而不择手段的事情了。
- 4. I always knew they were a nest of careerists, but recent experience shows that the careerist is now being replaced by worse: the ideologue rampant.
- 我向来知道他们是一窝野心家,不过最近的经验指出这群野心家被更糟糕的取代了:狂暴的空想家。
- 5. "People aren't getting raises, so managers are looking for other ways to reward high performers," says Penelope Trunk, author of the Brazen Careerist.
- “人们没有加薪,所以经理正寻找其他方法奖励效率高的员工。”《厚脸皮的野心家》作者佩尼洛普•图朗克说。
- 6. Voltaire, he insists, was a milquetoast careerist, too concerned with his own reputation and his comfortable life to say anything truly unsettling.
- 作者坚持认为,伏尔泰是个胆小如鼠的势利小人,他过于追求自己的名誉和舒适的生活,因此不会说出任何令人不安的真相。
- 7. Both wildly raucous and movingly humane, it Chronicles the evolving relationship between a prankster father and his high-powered careerist daughter.
- 这部影片兼具狂放嘈杂和悲天悯人,记录了一位爱恶搞的父亲和工作能力超群的女儿之间不断升华的关系。
- 8. Penelope Trunk, author of Brazen Careerist and widely syndicated guru, estimates that 85% of college students are wasting their time and money on getting a degree.
- 佩内洛普-特兰克是《厚颜野心家》一书的作者,同时也是一位企业家,她估计,85%的大学生正在为了得到一个学位而浪费时间和金钱。
- 9. Penelope Trunk, author of Brazen Careerist and widely syndicated guru, estimates that 85% of college students are wasting their time and money on getting a degree.
- 佩内洛普-创克是《厚颜野心家》一书的作者,同时也是一位企业家,她估计,85%的大学生正在为了得到一个学位而浪费时间和金钱。
- 10. Now, we often hear how we're all too busy, too geographically dispersed, too careerist, too selfish, too something to move an elderly parent into our households. We berate ourselves for it.
- 现在,我们常听到我们如何地忙,相隔太远,太事业狂,太自私,太把将老人带入我们的生活当回事,我们这样责备自己。
- 11. Now, we often hear how we're all too busy, too geographically dispersed, too careerist, too selfish, too something to move an elderly parent into our households. We berate ourselves for it.
- 现在,我们常听到我们如何地忙,相隔太远,太事业狂,太自私,太把将老人带入我们的生活当回事,我们这样责备自己。