- 1. She smelled strongly of carbolic soap.
- 她身上有股浓烈的石炭酸皂味道。
- 2. Carbolic acid is usually used for cleaning.
- 石炭酸常用于清洁。
- 3. But the court of appeal held that to a reasonable man Carbolic had made a serious offer.
- 但上诉法院认为,一个合理的男子石炭酸了一个严重的报价。
- 4. No use asking me politely if the coffee doesn't taste like carbolic acid: that won't scare me away.
- 彬彬有礼地问我咖啡的味儿是否比石灰酸好点儿也没有用,我不会给吓跑的。
- 5. Fearing bankruptcy, Carbolic argued the advert was not to be taken as a serious, legally binding offer.
- 由于担心破产,石炭酸争辩的广告并没有被作为一个严重的,具有法律约束力的要约。
- 6. At the same time, the experiment is performed by additive solvent (dephenolized carbolic oil, wash oil).
- 同时,进行了添加溶剂(脱酚酚油、洗油)试验。
- 7. Main products are anthracene, naphthalene, bitumen, crude carbolic acid, benzene, toluene and xylene etc.
- 主要产品有蒽、萘、沥青、粗酚、苯、甲苯、二甲苯等。
- 8. Carbolic acid( or phenol ):Organic compound, simplest member of the class of phenols. A colourless liquid with a Bland, sweetish odour, it is toxic and caustic.
- 石炭酸:最简单的酚类有机化合物。为无色液体,芳香味温和并带甜味,而且具有强毒性和强腐蚀性。
- 9. According to the plan, airline aux will be able to is obtained quite freely be equivalent to 2010 the of 85% quota of carbolic discharge capacity, 15% need buy the rest.
- 根据计划,航空公司将能够免费获得相当于2010年碳排放量的85%的配额,其余15%需要购买。
- 10. Farther south in Yancheng, Jiangsu, 300 kilometers from Shanghai, more than 200, 000 people were cut off from clean water for three days when a chemical factory dumped carbolic acid into a river.
- 再往南的江苏盐城(距上海300公里),因为一家化工场向河中倾倒石炭酸,导致20万人饮用水断供3日。
- 11. Farther south in Yancheng, Jiangsu, 300 kilometers from Shanghai, more than 200, 000 people were cut off from clean water for three days when a chemical factory dumped carbolic acid into a river.
- 再往南的江苏盐城(距上海300公里),因为一家化工场向河中倾倒石炭酸,导致20万人饮用水断供3日。