- 1. He took out a metal flask from a canvas bag.
- 他从帆布袋里拿出了一个金属水瓶。
- 2. First I applied a blue colour wash to the canvas.
- 我先在画布上涂了一层蓝色水彩。
- 3. She was in her studio again, painting onto a large canvas.
- 她又在她的工作室里了,在一块大帆布上画画。
- 4. He shivered, humping his canvas holdall higher onto his shoulder.
- 他打着哆嗦,把帆布包往肩上又挪了挪。
- 5. He helped her close the cases up, and then he secured the canvas straps as tight as they would go.
- 他帮她关上箱子,然后他又把帆布带尽可能缚紧。
- 6. At this point, your canvas should look similar to Figure 8.
- 此时,您的画布看上去应该类似于图8。
- 7. My canvas bag had torn cottonfield pants and the tattered remnants of my huarache shoes in it.
- 我的帆布包里有破旧的棉质裤子和破旧的革条帮平底凉鞋。
- 8. They did not need to smash paint and canvas; they went beyond this to smash the whole continuity of logical thought.
- 他们不需要打碎颜料和画布;他们超越了这一点,打碎了整个逻辑思维的连续性。
- 9. Either van Gogh or another painter covered the first painting with the portrait now seen on the surface of the canvas.
- 无论是梵高还是其他画家,都用画布现今表面上看到的肖像覆盖了第一幅画。
- 10. Paintings must have rigid stretchers so that the canvas will be taut, and the paint must not deteriorate, crack, or discolor.
- 画必须有坚硬的画架,这样画布才会绷紧,而且颜料不能变质、开裂或变色。
- 11. Starting with paintings like this one, the canvas is the whole object and the whole universe, and there is nothing beyond it.
- 从诸如此类的画开始,画布就是整个对象和整个宇宙,除此之外什么也没有。
- 12. Impressionist painters tended to apply paint really thickly, and in big brush strokes, so the texture of the canvas was rough.
- 印象派画家倾向于把颜料涂得很厚重,而且喜欢用笔触很粗的画笔,所以画布的纹理很粗糙。
- 13. Benjamin Franklin produced some of his best writings at the age of 84, and Pablo Picasso put brush to canvas right through his eighties.
- 本杰明·富兰克林在84岁时创作了一些最好的作品,巴勃罗·毕加索直到80多岁还在画布上作画。
- 14. The torn portion of the canvas had to be gently coaxed back to its flat state, otherwise it would return to the distortion left by the accident.
- 画布撕裂的部分要小心地恢复到平整的状态,否则它将会恢复到由于事故造成的扭曲的状态。
- 15. First of all, you'll need to know the techniques Rembrandt used when he applied paint to canvas—his brushstrokes, how thickly he applied his paint.
- 首先,你需要知道伦勃朗在画布上使用颜料的技巧——他的笔触,他的颜料有多厚。
- 16. In the first section of this function, you set up objects needed to create the report, like the width and height of the canvas, as well as padding variables.
- 在这个函数的第一部分中,您设置了创建报告需要的对象,比如画布的宽度和高度以及填充变量。
- 17. At least once a fortnight a corps of caterers came down with several hundred feet of canvas and enough colored lights to make a Christmas tree of Gatsby's enormous garden.
- 至少每隔两周,一群餐饮服务商就把几百英尺的帆布和足够多的彩色灯带到花园里,在盖茨比的巨大花园里布置圣诞树。
- 18. Could the same approach also shed light on abstract twentieth-century pieces, from Mondrian's geometrical blocks of colour, to Pollock's seemingly haphazard arrangements of splashed paint on canvas?
- 同样的方法是否也适用于二十世纪的抽象作品呢?从蒙德里安的几何色块,到波洛克在画布上喷溅颜料看似随意的布局?
- 19. Select the house on the canvas.
- 在画布上选择房子。
- 20. This screen was made on canvas.
- 银幕是用帆布做成的。
- 21. Figure 1 shows our new canvas.
- 图1展示了我们的新画布。
- 22. The vase became his canvas.
- 花瓶就是他的画布。
- 23. For starters, is the canvas lined?
- 首先,画布是有衬里的么?
- 24. She carried a filled canvas satchel.
- 她带了一个鼓鼓囊囊的帆布包。
- 25. Add an import component on the canvas.
- 在画布上添加导入组件。
- 26. Yet only one canvas feels truly fresh.
- 然而,只有一种油画能真正给人以新鲜之感。
- 27. The painter swept a brush over his canvas.
- 画家的画笔在画布上飞掠。
- 28. The Damier Canvas design debuted in 1888.
- 双色格子帆布设计在1888年首次亮相。
- 29. Your canvas should now display as follows.
- 画布现在应该像下面这样。
- 30. Your canvas should now display as follows.
- 画布现在应该像下面这样。