- 1. "Cantina" is a Spanish word used to mean a bar.
- “酒馆”是一个用来表示酒吧的西班牙语单词。
- 2. Eight of us walk down the street to Steve's Cantina.
- 我们八个人去了街头的史提夫的酒吧。
- 3. Ackmena was the night-time bartender of the Mos Eisley Cantina on Tatooine.
- 阿克梅娜是塔图因星球莫斯艾斯利酒馆的夜班服务员。
- 4. A single Givin mask was crafted to fill in the cantina sequence in a New Hope.
- 一个单独的吉文人面具被用在《新希望》的酒馆一幕中。
- 5. In a nearly empty cantina in a dark desert town, the short, drunk man makes his pitch.
- 隐秘沙漠小镇里的一间冷清的酒吧里,一个矮小的、醉熏熏的男人自饮自乐。
- 6. At this bar, Steve's Cantina, happy hour is from 4 to 7 and the drinks are half price.
- 在这间酒吧里,史提夫酒吧,饮料减价时间是从4点到7点,酒水都是半价。
- 7. The Duros were designed by concept artist Ron Cobb for the cantina sequence in A New Hope.
- 杜罗人是概念艺术家RonCobb为《新希望》中酒馆一幕设计的角色。
- 8. You are thinking about that turnover at the cantina and wishing you'd had time to finish it.
- 你还在想在餐厅吃的那张饼,后悔当时没时间吃完它。
- 9. The two would often stage performances at the cantina, achieving a moderate level of success.
- 他们俩经常在酒馆里演出,但反响平平。
- 10. He barely escaped alive, having his arm cleaved off by the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Mos Eisley Cantina.
- 他在莫斯·艾斯利小酒馆被欧比—万·克诺比砍下一条胳膊,但侥幸逃生。
- 11. They were able to move their performances off the cantina bandstand stage and into a larger, more proper venue.
- 他们终于可以走下酒馆演奏台,去更大、更像样的地方演出了。
- 12. The character Han Solo dressed like an archetypal gunslinger, and the Mos Eisley Cantina is much like an old west saloon.
- 韩·索洛这个角色的装束像一个典型的赏金杀手,而摩斯·艾斯雷酒吧也很像一个老式西部沙龙。
- 13. Daring accounts of raiding the crystal caves of Mygeeto became the stuff of cantina tall tales throughout the galaxy.
- 那些突袭麦基托水晶洞的英雄传说便成了人们在全银河各地酒吧中的谈资。
- 14. When the attacks never materialized, the blockhouse was converted into a bar, and the cantina has changed hands many times.
- 当攻击不再发生后,这座碉堡就成了小酒馆,几易其手。
- 15. Located in the heart of the Old Quarter, the Mos Eisley Cantina is just across the dusty street from the Dowager Queen wreckage.
- 莫斯埃斯利小酒馆位于旧区中心,离“王太后号”的残骸就隔一条尘土飞扬的街。
- 16. This long-snooted informant Shadowed Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi as they made their way from the Mos Eisley Cantina to Docking Bay 94.
- 这个长鼻子的线人从莫斯埃斯利一路跟踪卢克·天行者和欧比-万·克诺比到94号船库。
- 17. The script initially described Bric as human, but his design instead was inspired by the "Brainee" alien spotted in the Mos Eisley Cantina in Episode IV.
- 剧本最初将布里克描述为人类,但他的设计却受到《第四部》莫斯艾斯利酒吧中见到的外星人“大脑袋”的启发。
- 18. Making its debut on Allure is Rita's Cantina, a Mexican eatery with a beach bar vibe. It replaces the Seafood Shack that is in the same location on Oasis.
- 建造丽塔的坎蒂娜在诱惑上是首次出现,一个拥有海滨酒吧氛围的墨西哥餐厅,它更换在绿洲上同一位置是那间海鲜小屋。
- 19. He referred the creature department to an original photo of the "Goggle-Eyes" alien from the cantina, and decided that's what a Neimoidian should look like.
- 他把酒馆中“瞪眼”的原照拿给生物部门看,敲定那就是内莫第亚人的长相。
- 20. Rita's Cantina will feature live guitar music and dancing at night, part of an effort by Royal Caribbean to make the Boardwalk area more lively into the evening.
- 丽塔的坎蒂娜将在夜晚现场演奏吉他音乐并可跳舞,一部分成就由皇家加勒比营造海滨长廊区域更多的夜生活。
- 21. A grubby human with a hideously scarred face and the death sentence on 12 systems, this particular character tried to pick a fight with young Luke Skywalker in the Mos Eisley Cantina.
- 这个肮脏的人类有一张面目狰狞、疤痕累累脸。他在12个星系被判了死刑。在莫斯埃斯利小酒馆里,就是这个家伙试图挑衅年轻的卢克·天行者。
- 22. For decades, Pucci's archives-which include 18,000 print variations, 15,000 scarves, 1,000 bolts of vintage fabric and 200 custom fabric colors-were stored in a cantina beneath the property.
- 璞琪的档案包括18,000种印花图案、15,000条围巾、1,000匹复古面料和200种定制面料颜色,这些都存在这座宫殿地下的酒吧里。
- 23. In the 1990s, the book Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina told a different tale of Greedo's past that presented him as a misguided youth orphaned by Rodian clan wars and corrupted by bounty hunters.
- 关于格里多的过去,20世纪90年代的小说《莫斯埃斯利酒馆故事集》讲述了一个完全不同的故事,故事将他描述成一个误入歧途的罗迪亚年轻人,他因罗迪亚部族战争而变成孤儿,赏金猎人腐化了他。
- 24. In the 1990s, the book Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina told a different tale of Greedo's past that presented him as a misguided youth orphaned by Rodian clan wars and corrupted by bounty hunters.
- 关于格里多的过去,20世纪90年代的小说《莫斯埃斯利酒馆故事集》讲述了一个完全不同的故事,故事将他描述成一个误入歧途的罗迪亚年轻人,他因罗迪亚部族战争而变成孤儿,赏金猎人腐化了他。