- 1. He was only a callow youth.
- 他只是个无经验的年轻人。
- 2. He is too callow to know so much.
- 他乳臭未干不可能懂这么多。
- 3. Don't believe him. He is too callow to know so much.
- 别信他。他乳臭未干不可能懂这么多。
- 4. I believed a lot of things in my callow youth that I do not believe now.
- 在我年轻尚无经验时相信的许多事情,现在我不相信了。
- 5. In the past two decades, many politicians have followed a narrow and callow career path.
- 过去二十年里,许多政客走的是一条狭隘无知的职业道路。
- 6. "It's as if the ECB has sinned and has to do penance, " says Julian Callow at Barclays Capital.
- 巴克莱投资银行经济学家的朱利安•卡洛说“这好像是欧洲央行犯了错,不得不在忏悔一样。”
- 7. She suggests that callow young Obama aides were wrong to urge a swift end to Hosni Mubarak's rule in Egypt.
- 她暗示,奥巴马少不经事的助理团队不该操之过急地结束侯赛因·穆巴拉克在埃及的统治。
- 8. The fastest growth in Chinese exports to Europe had been in mechanical and electrical machinery, Mr Callow added.
- 中国对欧出口增长最快的领域是机电设备,卡洛补充说道。
- 9. German and Italian exports to Spain have slowed sharply since last year, according to Julian Callow at Barclays Capital.
- 据巴克利银行的朱利安·凯洛称,从去年开始,德国、意大利对西班牙的出口就大幅放缓。
- 10. Hey boy, don't you think it's awfully funny that a brawny guy like Aiolia is as callow as a girlie-looking baby like you?
- 迪斯马斯克:“嘿,小子,你不觉得可笑至极吗,那个肌肉发达的家伙-艾奥里亚看起来就跟你一样乳臭味干、女了女气的?”
- 11. As in Germany, that process could be slow and rely more on hiring freezes than lay-offs, says Julian Callow at Barclays Capital.
- 英国巴克莱投资银行的朱利安·卡洛说,在德国缩减差距的过程会相对缓慢,公司会更依赖于雇佣冻结而不是裁员。
- 12. And the European Central Bank (ECB) may not go along while it is focused on the risk of inflation, says Julian Callow, of Barclays Capital.
- 巴克莱资本的JulianCallow说,欧洲中央银行关注通货膨胀的风险,可能不会和美联储一起降息。
- 13. Satan pocketed a bottle and shuffled toward the car. Peeking inside, he saw a callow young man at the wheel. "Where you headed?" he said.
- 撒旦将一只瓶子揣进口袋,拖着双脚走向车子。往里一瞄,发现驾车的是个愣头小伙子。“你去哪?”他问。
- 14. How often have callow youths been known to ruin their lives by falling into the clutches of an adventuress with yellow hair and painted cheeks.
- 我们听说过多少乳臭未干的年轻人落入头生黄发,脸抹脂粉的女冒险家之手因而断送了生命的故事。
- 15. A callow young toff falls for a beauty of shaky morals and follows her to the end of the world, shedding fortune, scruples and self-respect along the way.
- 一个乳臭未干的年轻花花公子爱上一个道德成问题的美人并追她到天涯海角,一路散尽家财、抛弃良心和自尊。
- 16. The overall fiscal tightening in 2011, including actions announced earlier, will be an eye-watering 4.3% of GDP, estimates Julian Callow, at Barclays Capital.
- 巴克莱银行的JulianCallow估计到,2011年的整体财政紧缩政策,包括早前宣布的措施,将到达GDP的4.3%这个惨目忍睹的数字。
- 17. Mr Callow at Barclays Capital thinks that the ECB will cut interest rates by another half a percentage point in March to prevent inflation from falling too far.
- 巴克莱资本的Callow先生认为,欧洲央行将于三月再次降息半个百分点以防通胀过分下落。
- 18. In any case, callow as their ideas sometimes are, the Beatles exemplify a refreshing distrust of authority, disdain for conventions and impatience with hypocrisy.
- 无论如何,披头士的观点有时仍显稚嫩,他们代表了一股振奋人心力量,对权势质疑,蔑视保守和伪善。
- 19. Having taken on grizzled bare-knuckle fighters like Messrs Welch and Ellison, the trustbusters in Brussels are hardly going to be scared of the callow youths who founded Google.
- 收服老练的赤手空拳的抗争者,如韦尔奇和埃里森之后,布鲁塞尔的反垄断官员几乎不害怕羽翼未丰的Google成立者。
- 20. Callow said, noting that it was a surge in yields on Italian bonds last month that threatened core countries in Europe like Germany and France with contagion, prompting investors to dump their bonds.
- Callow说,强调上个月意大利债券利息激增通过蔓延已经威胁到了欧洲的核心国家比如德国和法国,引发投资者对他们的债券进行抛售。
- 21. Callow said, noting that it was a surge in yields on Italian bonds last month that threatened core countries in Europe like Germany and France with contagion, prompting investors to dump their bonds.
- Callow说,强调上个月意大利债券利息激增通过蔓延已经威胁到了欧洲的核心国家比如德国和法国,引发投资者对他们的债券进行抛售。