- 1. Entrechat, coupe, cabriole, chasse were steps codified by then.
- 转门、轿式、轿式、槽式都是当时已经形成的步骤。
- 2. An upholstered easy chair, open under the armrests, with a sloping back and cabriole front legs.
- 一种经装饰的安乐椅,扶手下空着,有斜式靠背和弯曲的脚。
- 3. 18th century English reproduction Double Pedestal dining table. Queen Ann style with Cabriole legs and fine veneer top. 3 meters by 1.1 meters.
- 18世纪英国的复制品双立柱餐桌,它的设计是采用了安妮女皇风格,此家具带有弯脚和用细贴面装饰顶部。它有3米长,1.1米宽。
- 4. The slightly curved cabriole legs are adorned with gilt reliefs of a woman's head attached to an animal body, and the feet are fashioned in ormolu in the form of claws.
- 书桌的桌脚呈现山羊脚的弧线形,其上装饰有女性面像的半人半兽镀金浮雕,桌脚的最下端则以兽爪状的镀金青铜做造型。
- 5. By the time of Louis XIV's death in 1715, ballet had al ready got the basis of its technique and its terminology (entrechat, coupe, cabriole, chasse were steps codified by then).
- 到1715年路易十四去世时,芭蕾已经有了它的技巧基础和术语(跳跃交叉舞姿、向对舞者施礼、分腿跳跃然后两脚很快并拢、快滑步这些步伐就是那时编制的)。
- 6. By the time of Louis XIV's death in 1715, ballet had al ready got the basis of its technique and its terminology (entrechat, coupe, cabriole , chasse were steps codified by then).
- 到1715年路易十四去世时,芭蕾已经有了它的技巧基础和术语(跳跃交叉舞姿、向对舞者施礼、分腿跳跃然后两脚很快并拢、快滑步这些步伐就是那时编制的)。
- 7. By the time of Louis XIV's death in 1715, ballet had al ready got the basis of its technique and its terminology (entrechat, coupe, cabriole , chasse were steps codified by then).
- 到1715年路易十四去世时,芭蕾已经有了它的技巧基础和术语(跳跃交叉舞姿、向对舞者施礼、分腿跳跃然后两脚很快并拢、快滑步这些步伐就是那时编制的)。