- 1. The train. The caboose is just a part.
- 这辆火车,车尾只是一部分。
- 2. The locomotive is not the same as the caboose.
- 火车头和车尾不是同一样东西。
- 3. A caboose isn't the same thing as a locomotive.
- 车尾和火车头不是同一个东西。
- 4. The caboose is coupled to the last freight car.
- 守车和最后一节货车联接上。
- 5. Walking along the way we see a caboose I say ha there's a train.
- 走着走着,我们看到车尾,我说,哈,是辆火车。
- 6. Let me make this more like a caboose slightly more like a caboose.
- 等我画得更像车尾,让它有点像车尾。
- 7. I agree of course that a locomotive is not the same thing as a caboose.
- 我也同意,火车头跟车尾不一样。
- 8. We are curious to learn whether a caboose can really fly like it does on the cover of the book!
- 我们好奇的想知道,火车尾是否能真的像书的封面上那样飞起来。
- 9. And what I referring to wasn't just the caboose but the whole long extended-through-space object.
- 我指的不仅仅是车尾,而是整个长长的,贯穿空间的物体。
- 10. Denmark is next at 8.3, the United States ranks 20th at 7.4 and Togo and Tanzania bring up the caboose at 2.6.
- 丹麦居于其次为8.3,美国排名第20为7.4分,多哥和坦桑尼亚排名垫底为2.6.
- 11. After all, right now what you pointed to is a locomotive whereas as 5 minutes ago what you pointed to was a caboose.
- 毕竟现在指的是,火车头,然而在五分钟前,指的是车尾。
- 12. Rather initially when we started our walk I pointed to a caboose but by pointing to the caboose I picked out a train.
- 反而一开始我们走的时候,我指着车尾,但通过指着车尾,我说的是一辆火车。
- 13. What I'm asking rather is remember earlier when I pointed to the caboose in doing so I started talking about the train.
- 我问的是,我之前指着车尾,我就开始谈论火车。
- 14. I especially enjoyed sharing the leisurely travel with Chelsea, as we stood on the caboose, waved to the crowds, and talked about everything under the sun.
- 我尤其喜欢与切尔西一起轻松旅行,我们站在最后一节车厢,向人群挥手,彼此无话不谈。
- 15. And I'm asking not about the locomotive and the caboose but rather I'm asking about the train that I picked out by means of the locomotive and the caboose.
- 现在我不是问火车头和车尾,我是问火车,通过指出火车头和车尾,来讨论火车。
- 16. "Go ahead and give him a kick when you want him to go." and pointed out the sights: a caboose previously used as a fishing camp; old homestead cabins from the early 1900s, little streams.
- 如果你想让它前进,就踢它一下。“,除此之外,杰米还为Livia指出景物:一节作为钓鱼营地的乘务员车厢;早在1900年就建好的老房子,小溪。”
- 17. "Go ahead and give him a kick when you want him to go." and pointed out the sights: a caboose previously used as a fishing camp; old homestead cabins from the early 1900s, little streams.
- 如果你想让它前进,就踢它一下。“,除此之外,杰米还为Livia指出景物:一节作为钓鱼营地的乘务员车厢;早在1900年就建好的老房子,小溪。”