- 1. The antithesis of the Middle Eastern buyer is the Japanese.
- 与中东买主截然相反的是日本买主。
- 2. With no buyer in sight for the company as a whole, the vultures started to circle.
- 因为眼下没有买家要买整个公司,趁火打劫的人开始打他们的主意。
- 3. The selling broker is then required to assign a portion of the commission to the buyer broker.
- 卖方经纪人则被要求分给买方经纪人一部分佣金。
- 4. They are also attempting to keep the car buyer as a long-term customer by offering after-sales service.
- 他们也正在努力,通过售后服务使这位汽车买家成为他们的长期客户。
- 5. Make the extra effort to impress the buyer and you will be rewarded with a quicker sale at a better price.
- 格外卖力地给买主一个好印象,你就会被报以用更佳的价格更快地卖掉商品。
- 6. Unless you find a dumb buyer, there will be a price reduction once the truth comes out.
- 除非你找到一个愚蠢的买家,否则一旦真相大白降价势在必行。
- 7. Chen, head of China buyer research at Credit Suisse, told South China Morning Post in March.
- 今年3月,瑞士信贷中国买家研究主管陈告诉了《南华早报》。
- 8. The new buyer identified a dozen new sources for the material, most of which proved to be reliable.
- 新买家为这种材料确定了十几个新货源,其中大多数证明是可靠的。
- 9. It is an accepted practice to pay a deposit with your order, which assures the seller that you are in fact a serious buyer.
- 在订货时付定金是公认的做法,这能向卖家保证你是一个认真的买家。
- 10. In most sectors of the economy, it is the seller who attempts to attract a potential buyer with various inducements of price, quality, and utility.
- 在大多数经济领域中,是卖方试图用价格、质量和效用等各种诱因来吸引潜在的买家。
- 11. His last full-time job, as a merchandise buyer and product developer, ended four years ago when his employer went out of business.
- 他的上一份全职工作是商品采购和产品开发,四年前他的雇主倒闭了,他的工作也随之结束。
- 12. Though this is very convenient for both buyer and seller, it should not be forgotten that cheques are not real money: they are quite valueless in themselves.
- 尽管这对买卖双方都很方便,但不应忘记,支票不是真正的钱:它们本身毫无价值。
- 13. After coordinate among three parties, official P/O would be submitted to both supplier and buyer from platform.
- 在三方沟通确认后,正式订单将同时递交买卖双方和平台。
- 14. The buyer should pay total amount to seller by T/T within 10 days after receipt of the concerning original B/L.
- 买方应在收到正本提单后10天内电汇支付全部货款。
- 15. He pretended to be a buyer and chatted with sellers.
- 他假装成买家,与各个卖方聊天。
- 16. That made it by far the largest buyer, followed by Japan.
- 这使它到目前为止为最大的买家,其后是日本。
- 17. Self and Gretchen wait for a prospective buyer at a pier.
- 赛尔夫和格雷琴在一个码头等着一个可能的买家。
- 18. At auction the buyer bid and bought the wool for his mill.
- 拍卖会上,买主竞价,为自己的工厂购置羊毛。
- 19. Did they comply with export regulations and buyer requirements?
- 是否符合出口规定和买方需求?
- 20. The responsibility to pay those sales taxes lies with the buyer.
- 而支付这些销售税的责任,就落在了买家身上。
- 21. For a sales letter, this means driving your buyer to action.
- 对于一封推销函,这意味着驱使买方下手购买。
- 22. The L/C should be opened by the buyer 15 to 20 days before delivery.
- 付款用信用证,在交货前15天到20天期间由买方开出。
- 23. The mementoes sold at auction were returned to her by the buyer.
- 这些在拍卖会上售出的纪念品最后又由购买者归还给了她。
- 24. Gretchen buys a disposable phone to reestablish contact with the buyer.
- 格雷琴买了个一次性手机,重新与买家取得了联系。
- 25. A buyer retrieves the list of all registered sellers from the registry.
- 买方从注册方那里获取所有登记过的卖方列表。
- 26. Steps 3-4 are repeated between the buyer and a number of other sellers.
- 在买方和若干其他卖方之间重复第 3和第 4 个步骤。
- 27. Remember that in a down market, it is you - the buyer - that has thepower.
- 请记住,在低迷的市场中,你-买主-才是有力量的一方。
- 28. Thailand is by far the largest buyer of Burmese exports (principally gas).
- 迄今,泰国是缅甸出口商品(主要是天然气)的最大购买方。
- 29. Thailand is by far the largest buyer of Burmese exports (principally gas).
- 迄今,泰国是缅甸出口商品(主要是天然气)的最大购买方。