- 1. They go back to their own burrow.
- 他们回到自己的洞穴。
- 2. I come out of my burrow only at night to find food.
- 我只在夜间从洞穴中出来寻找食物。
- 3. The trip to the burrow prevents the squirrel from getting too hot.
- 回到地洞可以防止松鼠变得太热。
- 4. So how does a hole in the ground, a burrow, stay cool in a hot climate?
- 那么,地面上的一个洞穴要如何在炎热的气候中保持凉爽呢?
- 5. Just before the sand is inundated by the rising tide, the diatoms burrow again.
- 就在沙子被涨潮淹没之前,硅藻再次钻入。
- 6. It's a fine sunny day in the forest, and a rabbit is sitting outside his burrow, tippy-tapping on his typewriter.
- 这是森林里一个阳光灿烂的日子,一只小兔子坐在洞穴外,在打字机上敲敲打打。
- 7. The groundhog Phil emerged from his burrow in Pennsylvania to see his shadow, meaning six more weeks of winter weather.
- 土拨鼠菲尔从他在宾夕法尼亚州的洞穴中钻出去看他的影子,这意味着寒冬仍将持续六周。
- 8. This diabolical agent had the pine permission, for a season, to burrow into the clergyman's intimacy, and plot against his soul.
- 这个恶魔的代理人获得神圣的特许,在一段时间里,钻入牧师的内心,阴谋破坏他的灵魂。
- 9. Groundhogs spend the winter hibernating in a specially dug hibernation burrow, their breathing and heartbeats slowed to a snail's pace.
- 土拨鼠在一个特别的冬眠洞穴中冬眠,它们的呼吸和心跳慢到和蜗牛差不多。
- 10. Birds shelter in nests, rock overhangs, trees, and dense shrubs to avoid the hottest hours of the day, while mammals like the kangaroo rat burrow underground.
- 鸟类在巢穴、岩石悬垂处、树丛以及茂密的灌木丛中寻找庇护,以躲避一天中最热的时候;而像更格卢鼠这样的哺乳动物则选择藏身于地下的洞穴中。
- 11. Earthworms burrow deep into the soil.
- 蚯蚓钻土很深。
- 12. The larvae burrow into cracks in the floor.
- 幼虫钻进地板的裂缝中。
- 13. He was afraid that they would burrow into his past.
- 他担心他们会追查他的过去。
- 14. When there is a full moon, this nocturnal rodent is careful to stay in its burrow.
- 在有满月出现的时候,这种夜间出没的啮齿类动物小心地呆在它的洞里。
- 15. A black-tailed prairie dog perks up outside his burrow in South Dakota.
- 在南达科他州,一只黑尾巴的草原土拨鼠昂首站在他的洞穴外面。
- 16. In order to withstand tidal currents, juvenile horseshoe crabs frequently burrow in the sand.
- 为了抵御潮汐,幼年马蹄蟹经常在沙子里挖洞。
- 17. Adults of this species burrow deeply into the substrate where it is cooler and perhaps moister.
- 这个物种的成虫深入到底层中,那里更凉爽,也许也更湿润。
- 18. They're a type of rodent who, who burrow in the ground in the grasslands of the western United States and Mexico.
- 它们是一种啮齿类动物,在美国西部和墨西哥草原的地上挖洞。
- 19. However, when diatoms are observed under constant conditions in a laboratory, they still display periodic behavior, continuing to burrow on schedule for several weeks.
- 然而,当在实验室的恒定条件下观察硅藻时,它们仍然表现出周期性的行为,继续按计划挖掘几个星期。
- 20. Surprisingly, in areas where tidal currents are very weak, juvenile horseshoe crabs are found not to have significant barnacle populations, even though they seldom burrow.
- 令人惊讶的是,在潮汐流很弱的地方,幼年马蹄蟹的藤壶数量并不多,尽管它们很少在洞里活动。
- 21. The squirrel stores nuts in its burrow.
- 小松鼠将干果贮藏在地洞里。
- 22. But moles only know how to burrow down.
- 但是鼹鼠型的同事只知道如何挖洞藏身。
- 23. I shall come down your burrow and chivvy you out like an old stoat.
- 我要钻进你的地洞里去,象赶一只老鼬鼠一般把你赶出来。
- 24. Third, they burrow into the live tissue of trees that produce a toxic sap (Euphorbs).
- 还有,它们在树的活组织里挖掘洞穴,而树(Euphorbs树)的活组织产生的树液却是有毒的。
- 25. The ideal riverbank is crumbly enough for the birds to excavate a nesting burrow with their beaks.
- 理想的河岸边土壤很松软,这些鸟可以很轻松的用自己喙去凿出适合做窝的地洞。
- 26. The ideal riverbank is crumbly enough for the birds to excavate a nesting burrow with their beaks.
- 理想的河岸边土壤很松软,这些鸟可以很轻松的用自己喙去凿出适合做窝的地洞。