- 1. Bundling an AMI is a three-step process.
- AMI绑定过程分为三步。
- 2. This activity enables the bundling of work.
- 此活动允许进行工作打包。
- 3. Bundling makes it harder for users to pick services they want.
- 捆绑使用户更难于选择需要的服务。
- 4. Bundling provides incumbent operators with another defence against VoIP.
- 捆绑销售是主体运营商对付网络语音技术的另一防御手段。
- 5. Firms also often use bundling as a way of charging high-demand users more.
- 这也已成为了企业面向高需求用户的一种吸金之道。
- 6. It involves bundling loans into packages that are then sold to outside investors.
- 这包括将贷款打包,并卖给外部投资人。
- 7. By "bundling" chipsets with processors, Intel neutralizes competition on PC motherboards.
- 通过将芯片与处理器“捆绑”,英特尔压制了个人电脑主板的竞争。
- 8. And they will create unique assortments and bundling combinations for specific retail locations.
- 并且,他们还会为特定的零售店开发独特的分类和绑定组合。
- 9. A few publishers and bookstores are testing the bundling of print books with e-books at a discount.
- 一些出版商和书店正尝试着把纸质书和电子书捆绑打折出售。
- 10. Thin margins on sales of printers, for example, can be made up by bundling in more profitable toners.
- 例如,售卖打印机的薄利可以通过绑定利润更高的墨盒一起销售而得到弥补。
- 11. It lacks News Corporation's expertise in bundling and is far more expensively staffed than the Lebedevs' outfits.
- 它缺乏新闻集团的捆绑销售的专业知识,也比列别捷夫的家族配备的成本要高。
- 12. There is no better way to understand the era of unbundling than to study the era of bundling that came before it.
- 了解拆分时代的最好方法就是研究在它之前出现的捆绑销售时代。
- 13. With the new multi-browser bundling, competitors will finally reap the rewards of Microsoft's distribution channels.
- 随着多浏览器的捆绑,IE的竞争对手将同样能在微软的经销渠道中分得一杯羹。
- 14. Examples of this semi-transparent technique including bundling a hotel stay with airfare or a stay with a car rental.
- 这种半透明的打包产品包括捆绑入住酒店的费用和机票或者入住酒店的费用和租车费。
- 15. The other options within this wizard include abilities to do plug-in signing and bundling source with your plug-in.
- 此向导内的其他选项包括对插件执行签名和绑定源代码的功能。
- 16. Finally, after bundling and validation, the HIPAA271 message is sent to the requesting client through the EDI Gateway.
- 最后,绑定和验证之后,HIPAA271消息通过EDI Gateway被发送到请求的客户。
- 17. Any time you make changes to the root file system of an AMI, you can save it as a new AMI, which is called re-bundling.
- 无论何时您对一个AMI的根文件系统进行修改,都可以将其保存为一个新 AMI,这个过程称为重新绑定(re-bundling) 。
- 18. New customers, whether bundling services or not, usually get the best deals, so it may be necessary to switch providers.
- 新客户,不管是否选择捆绑业务,都会得到最优惠的服务,所以有必要的话,可以经常换供应商。
- 19. Bundling services together, and creating new converged services such as fixed-mobile telephony, can also raise antitrust concerns.
- 像固定电话业务和移动电话业务的融合一样,捆绑式的服务和新型商业融合后的服务也很有可能触及到反垄断法。
- 20. In bundling the software and chips into the laptop, Intel may have a distribution channel that few of its competitors can match.
- 通过将软件和芯片集成在笔记本电脑里,英特尔可能拥有了一个它的竞争者很少能匹敌的分销渠道。
- 21. This is because RFB depends on Data Encryption Standard DES encoding, and us export restrictions effectively prevent Tcl from bundling DES.
- 这是因为RF B依赖于数据加密标准(Data Encryption Standard,DES)编码,并且美国的出口限制有效地阻止了Tcl捆绑DES。
- 22. The objection to possible bundling, for example, could easily have been dealt with by a simple stipulation that Coke refrain from such tactics.
- 例如,对于可能进行捆绑销售的担忧,可以很轻易地化解:通过一个简单的规定,阻止可口可乐采取此类手段。
- 23. As often with indices like this, there is a question over whether bundling indicators together serves to clarify things or to confuse them.
- 如同在处理此类指数时经常遇到的,始终有一个问题,即这种把众多指标绑在一起的方法究竟是让事实更清晰,还是更混乱。
- 24. Understanding that process is the starting point for bundling wget in a package. Per the general convention, building wget requires four steps.
- 要将wget捆绑在一个包中,首先需要了解构建过程。
- 25. Would I have been like the farmer in the film who kept on bundling grain when Confucius and his disciples stopped and asked for directions?
- 我会不会像影片中的那个农民,无视前来问路的孔子及其弟子,继续收庄稼?
- 26. Another option is the bundling of several related services into coarser-grained service definitions, which is a variation of the facade pattern.
- 另一种选择就是将一些相关的服务捆绑成粗粒度的服务定义,这是门面模式的变种。
- 27. One was by bundling other types of s of tware along with Windows, notably its web browser, a move that triggered the antitrust action in America.
- 一方面微软公司将自身的其他软件,也就是著名网络浏览器(Web Browser )和"视窗"操作系统的"捆绑"行为,在美国引发了一场反托拉斯行动。
- 28. True believers in convergence insist that it is about more than simply bundling existing services together:it will make new services possible, too.
- 真正的融合信奉者坚信,融合并不仅限于把几项服务简单捆绑在一起,融合很有可能使电信业推出新的服务。
- 29. True believers in convergence insist that it is about more than simply bundling existing services together:it will make new services possible, too.
- 真正的融合信奉者坚信,融合并不仅限于把几项服务简单捆绑在一起,融合很有可能使电信业推出新的服务。