- 1. A speed limit of 30 mph was introduced in built-up areas.
- 在建筑物密集区域,限速为每小时30英里。
- 2. You must drop your speed in built-up areas.
- 在房屋密集区必须放慢速度。
- 3. The cause appears to be in part greater turbulence in the urban atmosphere as hot air rises from the built-up surface.
- 部分原因似乎是热空气从楼宇密集的表面上升,造成城市大气的更大湍流。
- 4. With much of the built-up landscape impenetrable by water, even gentle rain runs off almost immediately from rooftops, streets, and parking lots.
- 由于很多建筑景观都不被水穿透,即使是温和的雨水也会立刻从屋顶、街道和停车场流下。
- 5. The play was built up to be a masterpiece but I found it very disappointing.
- 那部戏被捧为杰作,可我却大失所望。
- 6. He built up his multimillion-pound music business from small beginnings.
- 他从小本生意起步,逐步建立起了数百万英镑的音乐企业。
- 7. She's built up a very successful business.
- 她创办的生意很红火。
- 8. The team built up a safe cushion of two goals in the first half.
- 那支球队上半场射进两球,奠定了稳操胜券的基础。
- 9. The regime built up the largest army in Africa.
- 该政权逐渐建立起一支在非洲规模最大的军队。
- 10. He built up the business at the expense of his health.
- 他以自己的健康为代价逐步建立起这个企业。
- 11. A bank of clouds had built up along the western horizon.
- 一堆堆的云沿着西边的地平线积聚起来了。
- 12. She's built up a good stock of teaching materials over the years.
- 这些年来她积累了大量教学资料。
- 13. He was content to watch from the sidelines as his wife built up a successful business empire.
- 他满足于站在一旁,看妻子一步步地建立起一个成功的商业帝国。
- 14. We do not want to lose the goodwill built up over 175 years.
- 我们不想失去用175年建立起来的商业信誉。
- 15. The team built up an impregnable 5-1 lead.
- 这个队以5:1的绝对优势领先。
- 16. He built up a reputation as a tough businessman.
- 他树立起了一个坚强生意人的名声。
- 17. He built up the business over a period of ten years.
- 他用了十年时间把这个企业创建起来。
- 18. The collection has been built up over the last seventeen years.
- 这些收藏是在过去的17年里逐渐收集的。
- 19. All the pressure built up and he was off work for weeks with stress.
- 各方面的压力越来越大,他因负荷太重有好几个星期没上班。
- 20. Chinampas are artificial islands built up in shallow lakes.
- 奇昂帕是一种建在浅水湖中的人工岛。
- 21. Similar evidence appeared in songbirds and rats around the same time, and since then, researchers have built up an impressive catalogue of animal lateralisation.
- 与此同时,在鸣禽和老鼠身上也发现了类似的证据,从那时起,研究人员已经建立了一个令人印象深刻的动物偏侧性目录。
- 22. Your identity has been formed; you've built up your resources; and now you have the chance to take the big risks precisely because your foundation is already secure.
- 你已经有了自己的身份;已经积累了自己的资源;而且,正是因为你的根基已固,现在的你就有机会承担更大的风险。
- 23. An analogy might be the Plaza Agreements with Japan in the 1980s when the Japanese similarly built up a huge imbalance.
- 日本在20世纪80年代签署的《广场协议》或许可以作为类比,当时日本同样积累了巨大的失衡。
- 24. In the pediatricians' view, essentially every life skill that's valued in adults can be built up with play.
- 在儿科医生看来,基本上成年人重视的每一项生活技能都可以通过玩耍来培养。
- 25. Not only had they succumbed to the nectar of power and ambition, but also the enemy outside built up their hopes with them.
- 他们不仅仅屈从于权利和野心的甘露,同时外界的敌人们将自己的希望寄托在他们两个人身上。
- 26. The bird fed him, built up his strength and carried him home.
- 鸟喂了他,增强了他的力量,把他带回家了。
- 27. Since they haven't built up their credit histories yet, it's a safe bet that these young adults are paying relatively high interest rates on the resulting credit card debt.
- 由于他们还没有建立起自己的信用记录,可以肯定的是,这些年轻人会为由此产生的信用卡债务支付相对较高的利率。
- 28. Since they haven't built up their credit histories yet, it's a safe bet that these young adults are paying relatively high-interest rates on the resulting credit card debt.
- 由于他们还没有建立起自己的信用记录,可以肯定的是,这些年轻人会为由此产生的信用卡债务支付相对较高的利息。
- 29. In other words, messages are built up out of smaller parts, sentences out of words, words out of inpidual sounds, etc.
- 换句话说,信息是由更小的部分组成的,句子是由单词组成的,单词是由单个的声音组成的,等等。
- 30. My neighbourhood has really been built up.
- 我的周围一带确实盖满了房子。