- 1. There are no plans to build new offices.
- 现在没有建新办公楼的计划。
- 2. We're going to build a house on this lot.
- 我们打算在这块地上建造一座房子。
- 3. They have permission to build 200 new houses.
- 他们得到建200座新房的许可。
- 4. We need volunteers to help build and paint the set.
- 我们需要一些自愿帮忙搭建和粉刷布景的人。
- 5. King County has shelved plans to build a driving range.
- 金郡已搁置了建造一个高尔夫练习场的计划。
- 6. They cost thousands if not millions of pounds to build.
- 建设要耗费数千英镑,甚至可能是数百万英镑。
- 7. He was the man behind the plan to build a new hospital.
- 他就是策划建立新医院的人。
- 8. The government's priority is to build more power plants.
- 政府的当务之急是建造更多的发电厂。
- 9. Developers are now proposing to build a hotel on the site.
- 开发商们现在正提议在这个地方建造一座宾馆。
- 10. Their purpose is to build a fair society and a strong economy.
- 他们的目的是建立一个公平的社会和一种强大的经济。
- 11. There are plans to build a continuation of the by-pass next year.
- 已经订了计划,明年修建这条支路的延伸线。
- 12. These finds help us build up a picture of life in the Middle Ages.
- 这些发现有助于建构中世纪的生活画面。
- 13. He was headhunted by Barkers last October to build an advertising team.
- 他去年10月被巴克斯挖去组建一个广告团队。
- 14. We first build up a detailed profile of our customers and their requirements.
- 首先,我们建立起我们的客户及其需求的详细资料。
- 15. He's described as around thirty years old, six feet tall and of medium build.
- 他被描述为大约三十岁,身高6英尺,体格中等。
- 16. Plans to build a new mall were deep-sixed after protests from local residents.
- 修建新室内购物中心的计划由于当地居民反对而搁浅。
- 17. She defeated developers who wanted to bulldoze her home to build a supermarket.
- 她打败了那些企图推倒她的家园建造超市的开发商。
- 18. They are planning to build a faithful recreation of the original frontier town.
- 他们正计划建造一座和原来边境城镇一模一样的复制品。
- 19. A menopausal woman of average build and height requires 1600 – 2400 calories daily.
- 一位一般体形和身高的更年期女性每天需要1600–2400卡的热量。
- 20. We want to build a better life.
- 我们想创造更美好的生活。
- 21. You need to build your self-esteem.
- 你需要树立自尊心。
- 22. Robins build nests almost anywhere.
- 知更鸟几乎随处筑巢。
- 23. You need more protein to build you up.
- 你需要更多蛋白质以增强体质。
- 24. The birds build their nests in the rock face.
- 这些鸟在岩壁上筑巢。
- 25. The media has given the show a huge build-up.
- 传媒为这次演出大加造势。
- 26. We can build up the speed gradually and safely.
- 我们可以逐步安全地加快速度。
- 27. She bought a small plot of land to build a house.
- 她买了一小块地盖房子。
- 28. Diplomats hope the meetings will build mutual trust.
- 外交官们希望这些会议能逐步增强彼此的信任。
- 29. She bought a small plot of land to build a house on.
- 她买了一小块地盖房子。
- 30. We have to build computers into the school curriculum.
- 我们必须计算机知识纳入学校的课程。