- 1. His bristly red hair was standing on end.
- 他粗硬的红头发根根直立。
- 2. She finds his beard too bristly.
- 她觉得他的胡须太扎人。
- 3. He scratched his bristly head, and let me go.
- 他挠了挠那没长多长头发的脑袋,放开了我。
- 4. Goyle has short, bristly hair and long, gorilla-ish arms.
- 高尔的头发短而硬,胳膊很长如猩猩一般。
- 5. Faction of theory of modern economy cycle is bristly, viewpoint each different.
- 现代经济周期理论派别林立,观点各异。
- 6. Ginger Jack's face was hidden behind a bristly orange beard, and his speech was unintelligible.
- 金发杰克的脸藏在林立的橘色胡须后,说话也很难懂。
- 7. Her eyes were pale green without a touch of hazel, starred with bristly black lashes and slightly tilted at the ends.
- 她的眸子子是一味的淡绿色,不杂一丝儿的茶褐,四周竖着一圈儿粗黑的睫毛,眼角轻轻有点翘。
- 8. But she smiled when she spoke, consciously deepening her dimple and fluttering her bristly black lashes as swiftly as butterflies' wings.
- 不过她说话时总是面带微笑,刻意加深脸的酒窝,同时把像蝴蝶翅膀似的两圈又硬又黑的睫毛迅速地扇动起来。
- 9. Sensitive, bristly whiskers line their pointed muzzles. They have very sharp teeth and long, muscular tails that can be used in self-defense.
- 她们突出的吻部生有敏感刚硬的触须,牙齿长而尖利,肌肉发达的尾部可以作为自卫的武器。
- 10. His rugged build and dense harsh coat are accentuated by the hallmark of the breed, the arched eyebrows and the bristly mustache and whiskers.
- 被毛浓密、粗硬且粗糙不平是这一品种非常重要的特点,他还长有弯弯的眉毛和刚毛的胡须。
- 11. And the portal website that does not say the step that visit town is bristly, sheet is a small town had been the portal flies all over the sky.
- 且不说省市级的门户网站林立了,单是一个小小的县城就已经是门户满天飞了。
- 12. To measure how effective the acupuncture was, the researchers recorded how quickly each mouse pulled its sore paw away from a small bristly brush.
- 为了测量针灸生效的程度,研究者记录了每只小鼠将其“痛脚”从一个小型毛刷上脱开的速度。
- 13. Ground pine thickly covered with bristly leaves; widely distributed in barren sandy or peaty moist coastal regions of eastern and southeastern United States.
- 长有毛状叶的石松;广泛分布于美国东部和东南部贫瘠的沙地或泥炭沼泽地区。
- 14. Anything that does not pass through the gills is eaten. Gill rakes are bristly structures in their mouths that trap small organisms, which they then swallow.
- 鳃之间的细小的缝隙有鳃毛结构,能够捕捉到细小的有机物,然后就吞掉。
- 15. Anything that does not pass through the gills is eaten. Gill rakes are bristly structures in their mouths that trap small organisms, which they then swallow.
- 鳃之间的细小的缝隙有鳃毛结构,能够捕捉到细小的有机物,然后就吞掉。