- 1. Unemployment brings great difficulties in its train.
- 失业带来了重重困难。
- 2. Ignorance of people brings fear, fear of the unknown.
- 人的无知带来了恐惧,对未知事物的恐惧。
- 3. According to superstition, breaking a mirror brings bad luck.
- 按照迷信的说法,摔碎镜子会带来噩运。
- 4. This technique brings life to instruction and eases assimilation of knowledge.
- 这种技术给教学带来活力,并使知识的吸收更加容易。
- 5. Rapid urbanization brings with it a more westernized and generally more sugary diet.
- 迅速的城市化带来了一种更为西方化的、普遍摄入更多食糖的饮食习惯。
- 6. "The Hewlett-Packard news brings a better tone to the market, which has been in a kind of holding pattern," said one trader.
- “惠普的消息带给一直处于停滞的市场一个较好的基调,”一位贸易商说道。
- 7. It brings so many problems.
- 它带来了很多问题。
- 8. Sunshine brings new life.
- 阳光带来新生。
- 9. It brings me pain.
- 它给我带来了痛苦。
- 10. What brings you to these shores?
- 是什么把你带到这个国家来的?
- 11. Hello Simon! What brings you here?
- 你好,西蒙!什么风把你吹来了?
- 12. A crisis brings out the best in her.
- 危机促使她表现出她最好的一面。
- 13. His writing brings him $10 000 a year.
- 写作每年为他赚1万元。
- 14. Whenever she comes, she brings a friend.
- 她每次来都带着个朋友。
- 15. She always brings out the best in people.
- 她总是让人表现出最优秀的品质。
- 16. This brings us to the second question I asked.
- 这就将我们引入了我提出的第2个问题。
- 17. The job brings with it status and a high income.
- 担任这一职务既有显贵的地位又有丰厚的收入。
- 18. Starvation brings biochemical changes in the body.
- 饥饿引起体内的生化变化。
- 19. That dress really brings out the colour of your eyes.
- 那件衣服果真能衬托出你眼睛的颜色。
- 20. His freelance work brings him in about $20 000 a year.
- 他做自由职业每年可赚2万元。
- 21. He brings a reputation as a big hitter and hard worker.
- 他有重磅人物和工作狂的声名。
- 22. This brings the law into line with most medical opinion.
- 这使得该法律与医疗界的大多数意见一致。
- 23. The painting brings to mind some of Picasso's early works.
- 这幅油画使人想起了毕加索早期的作品。
- 24. Retirement usually brings with it a massive drop in income.
- 收入通常随着退休而大大减少。
- 25. This case brings into question the whole purpose of the law.
- 这宗案件引起了对整个法律宗旨的怀疑。
- 26. Is it destiny that brings people together, or is it accident?
- 是定数,还是偶然,将人们带到一起?
- 27. Joel Hatch brings his own unique brand of humour to the role.
- 乔尔·哈奇把他自己独具一格的幽默带进了这个角色。
- 28. He is totally dedicated and brings out the best in his pupils.
- 他全身心地投入,激发学生们最优秀的品质。
- 29. The new manager brings a great wealth of experience to the job.
- 新任经理为这项工作带来了丰富的经验。
- 30. The team's new manager brings ten years' experience to the job.
- 该队的新经理到任时已有十年的相关经验。