- 1. He lived alone, breeding horses and dogs.
- 他独自生活,养殖马和狗。
- 2. During the breeding season the birds come ashore.
- 在繁殖期鸟儿们上岸。
- 3. Warm milk is the ideal breeding ground for bacteria.
- 温牛奶是细菌理想的繁殖地。
- 4. The female changes colour during the breeding season.
- 在繁殖季节,雌性改变身上的颜色。
- 5. Among his many hobbies was the breeding of fine horses.
- 在他的众多爱好中有饲养名马。
- 6. There is potential for selective breeding for better yields.
- 以优产为目的的精选养殖是有潜力的。
- 7. It's a sign of good breeding to know the names of all your staff.
- 知道你所有职员的名字是有良好教养的表现。
- 8. Selective breeding may result in a greyhound running faster and seeing better than a wolf.
- 选择育种可能会培育出一种比狼跑得更快、视力更好的灵缇。
- 9. Successful breeding requires quiet, peaceful conditions with as little disturbance as possible.
- 成功繁殖需要安宁的环境,干扰越少越好。
- 10. Its breeding grounds are now better preserved.
- 它的繁殖地现在得到了更好的保护。
- 11. Whales will invade king penguins' breeding grounds.
- 鲸鱼会入侵帝企鹅的繁殖地。
- 12. The king penguins there are reluctant to leave for new breeding grounds.
- 那里的帝企鹅不愿动身去新的繁殖地。
- 13. He collects the excrement from a panda breeding center in southern China.
- 他从中国南方的一个大熊猫繁殖中心收集其粪便。
- 14. The majority of them may have to find new breeding grounds in the future.
- 它们中的大多数在未来可能不得不寻找新的繁殖地。
- 15. Only a few of its islands can serve as huge breeding grounds for king penguins.
- 只有一小部分岛屿可以作为帝企鹅的繁殖地。
- 16. To look upon firmly in the eye is considered a sign of ill breeding and is felt to be annoying.
- 盯着别人的眼睛看被认为是没有教养的表现,会让人觉得厌烦。
- 17. CIBC is also perfecting the technique for breeding parasites that prey on "disapene scale" insects.
- CIBC还在完善培育寄生虫的技术,这些寄生虫以“disapene scale”昆虫为食。
- 18. It reproduces incredibly quickly, breeding up to 12 generations per year if conditions are favorable.
- 它的繁殖速度快得令人难以置信,在条件适宜时,一年可繁殖12代。
- 19. As the distance between their breeding grounds and their food grows, entire colonies could be wiped out.
- 随着它们的繁殖地和觅食地之间的距离越来越远,整个群落都可能会灭绝。
- 20. "I'm trying three methods of breeding," Farrant says, "conventional, genetic modification and gene editing."
- 法兰特说:“我正在尝试三种育种方法,常规方法、基因修饰和基因编辑。”
- 21. Certain shorebirds depend on these eggs for food during their annual spring migration to their northern breeding grounds.
- 某些海鸟在每年春季迁徙到北方繁殖地时,以这些鸟蛋为食。
- 22. To overcome this, Borlaug worked on breeding wheat with shorter and stronger stalks, which could hold on larger seed heads.
- 为了克服这个问题,博洛格致力于培育具有更短更强壮茎干的小麦,这样的小麦可以拥有更大的种子头。
- 23. It involved research in genetics, plant breeding, plant pathology, entomology, agronomy, soil science, and cereal technology.
- 它涉及遗传学、植物育种、植物病理学、昆虫学、农学、土壤科学和谷物技术的研究。
- 24. Those who have bought donkeys are mainly from richer households but, with an increased supply through local breeding, donkeys should become more affordable.
- 那些购买毛驴的人大多来自富裕的家庭,但是随着当地养殖量的增加,毛驴的价格应该会更便宜。
- 25. Unless current greenhouse gas emissions drop, 70 percent of king penguins—1.1 million breeding pairs—will be forced to relocate their breeding grounds, or face extinction by 2100.
- 除非目前的温室气体排放量下降,否则70%的帝企鹅——即110万对繁殖伴侣——将被迫迁移它们的繁殖地,或者它们会在2100年前濒临灭绝。
- 26. Le Bohec said: "Unless current greenhouse gas emissions drop, 70 percent of king penguins—1.1 million breeding pairs—will be forced to relocate their breeding grounds, or face extinction by 2100."
- 勒波爱让说:“除非目前的温室气体排放下降,否则70%的帝企鹅,即110万对繁殖伴侣,将被迫迁移它们的繁殖地,或者它们会在2100年濒临灭绝。”
- 27. Horse breeding is indeed a risky enterprise.
- 养马的确是一项有风险的事业。
- 28. Dirty hands can be a breeding ground for germs.
- 脏手会滋生病菌。
- 29. This area of the city has become a breeding ground for violent crime.
- 这个市区已成为暴力犯罪的滋生地。
- 30. This area of the city has become a breeding ground for violent crime.
- 这个市区已成为暴力犯罪的滋生地。