- 1. The road of justice is rugged and only welcomes brae people.
- 正义的路是崎岖的路,它只欢迎勇敢的人。
- 2. The driver stops plane firm quietly on an abrupt and open brae.
- 驾驶员把飞机稳稳地停在了一片陡峭而开阔的斜坡上。
- 3. Then there are the few brae souls who grab at its horns and hang on at all costs.
- 只有极少数的灵魂不畏艰险,不惜一切。
- 4. The well-preserved village of Skara Brae on the mainland of Orkney dates from this period.
- 奥克尼大陆上保存完好的斯卡拉布雷村庄就可以追溯到这个时期。
- 5. The remains of a Stone age village built about 3100 BC can be seen at Skara Brae in the Orkneys.
- 在奥克尼群岛的斯卡拉布雷,可以看到石器时代一个村落的遗址,该村落大约是在公元前3100年建造的。
- 6. The first houses at Skara Brae, dating from about 3,200BC, are older than the Pyramids and Stonehenge.
- 这应该是斯卡拉布雷地区建造的第一座住宅,时间大约在公元前3200年,比金字塔和巨石阵的岁数都要大。
- 7. Discovered in Skara Brae, Oakney, in 1850, are the remains of a Stone age village - the most complete in Northern Europe.
- 这是北欧地区保存最完整的石器时代村落遗址,于1850年在奥克尼的斯卡拉布雷被发现。
- 8. Archaeology received a gift from nature in 1850, when a strong storm hit the Orkney Islands, stripping away sand dunes and uncovering the remains of the Skara Brae settlement.
- 考古于1850年收到了来自大自然的礼物,当强风暴袭击的奥克尼群岛时剥离了沙丘和揭露了斯卡拉布雷下陷的残存部分。
- 9. Archaeology received a gift from nature in 1850, when a strong storm hit the Orkney Islands, stripping away sand dunes and uncovering the remains of the Skara Brae settlement.
- 考古于1850年收到了来自大自然的礼物,当强风暴袭击的奥克尼群岛时剥离了沙丘和揭露了斯卡拉布雷下陷的残存部分。