- 1. The dialysis principle can be used for demineralization of brackish water.
- 渗析原理的应用是除半咸水中的盐。
- 2. Thriving on sunlight and CO2, algae can be grown in fresh or brackish water.
- 只要有充足的阳光和二氧化碳,海藻就可以在淡水或海水中生长。
- 3. The bacterium can also live in the environment in brackish rivers and coastal waters.
- 这种杆菌还可在咸水河流和海岸水域的环境中生存。
- 4. Ostracods, small aquatic Crustacea, occur in almost every Marine, brackish and freshwater habitat.
- 介形虫,小型水生甲壳纲,出现在几乎所有的海洋,半咸水和淡水栖息地。
- 5. Our systems can be used for various applications including seawater, brackish water and waste water.
- 我们的系统可应用于多个领域,包括海水、苦咸水和废水等。
- 6. High pure water, brackish water desalination and wastewater treatment process in the best equipment.
- 是高纯水制备、苦咸水脱盐和废水处理工艺中的最佳设备。
- 7. The gas source rocks in this area were mainly formed in fresh - brackish fluvial and lake environment.
- 该区天然气源岩主要形成于淡水—半咸水的河流及湖泊环境。
- 8. The food, instead of being of high quality as promised, was too often rotten and the water was brackish.
- 伙食没有承诺的那么好,还常常是腐烂的,水也有咸味。
- 9. The food, instead of being of high quality as promised, was too often rotten and the water was brackish .
- 伙食没有承诺的那么好,还常常是腐烂的,水也有咸味。
- 10. Where drinking water is scarce, brackish, or even salt water, if available, may be used for domestic hygiene.
- 在那些饮用水紧缺的地方,即使是含盐分的水或者咸水也可以用于家庭卫生的维持。
- 11. In the west where the fresh water influence is greatest the environment is estuarine and the water is brackish.
- 西部水域受淡水影响最大,属河口湾环境,水质微咸。
- 12. Reverse osmosis has become one of the most economical techniques in the desalination of seawater and brackish water.
- 反渗透已成为海水淡化和苦咸水脱盐最经济的技术之一。
- 13. Three hundred million people now get their water from the sea or from brackish groundwater that is too salty to drink.
- 目前有3亿人口需要靠海水或含盐地下水的再加工来获取生活用水,那些水含盐量过高,并不能直接饮用。
- 14. We cross Lake Figtree, its mixture of brackish and fresh water replete with floating lotus and purple saltwater lilies.
- 我们穿过无花果树湖,在这片微咸的新鲜海水中满满得漂浮着荷花和盐水紫百合。
- 15. Results on feeding habits of mullet fry in brackish water ponds applied withmunures for producing natural feed is obtaind.
- 本文报导了在半咸水池塘中梭鱼仔幼鱼的摄食习性。
- 16. Feltail fishing nodes have been changed to Brackish Mixed Schools; they now produce mostly Golden Darters and some Feltail.
- “魔尾鱼群”被改为“半咸水鱼群”,这种鱼群钓出的大多数是“金镖鱼”,少数是“魔尾鱼”。
- 17. Moreover, algae might be grown on arid land and brackish water, so that fuel production would not compete with food production.
- 此外,藻类还可以生长在贫瘠的地方或者咸水中,因此生产生物燃料不会影响粮食生产。
- 18. Technique of treating brackish water from a coal mine was researched based on the principle of reverse osmosis (ro) technology.
- 应用反渗透(RO)技术原理研究了煤矿苦咸水的处理工艺。
- 19. The effects of the irrigation with fresh and brackish water on soil and the growth of cotton were studied under wheat straw mulching.
- 该试验在麦秸覆盖条件下,研究了不同矿化度的微咸水灌溉对土壤和棉花生长的影响。
- 20. Brackish and food has little to do, presumably due to lack of sleep to ensure the effective day, 8 hours of sleep, since be no problem.
- 咸水和粮食关系不大,可能是由于睡眠不足,以确保有效天,8小时的睡眠,因为没有问题。
- 21. The plants take salty or brackish water, and either warm it, vaporise it and separate off the salts and impurities, or pass it through filters.
- 这些淡化设备抽取含盐分的水,通过加热气化或者过滤的方式滤掉盐分和杂质。
- 22. Crops that could be maintained with brine or brackish water, such as industrial wastewater or seawater, would help preserve freshwater supplies.
- 这样作物也许就可能在诸如工业废水或海水等盐碱或咸水的水质中生存,从而助于保护淡水供给。
- 23. Secretive marsh birds like clapper rails, king rails and soras—one of which has already been found oiled—frequent brackish and salt marsh habitat.
- 像长嘴秧鸡(clapperrail)、王秧鸡(king rail)和黑脸田鸡这类喜欢在沼泽地活动的鸟类——其中一种鸟已经发现被石油侵害了——经常在含有盐分的沼泽地栖息。
- 24. Results above showed that the meat quality of the grass carp could be improved by feeding in brackish water with the proper salinity of 7.5 salinity.
- 上述结果表明,半咸水暂养草鱼可改善其肌肉品质,适宜的盐度值为7.5。
- 25. The electrochemical behaviors of copper in the simulating bitter and brackish solution was studied using weight method and electrochemical techniques.
- 采用失重法和电化学方法对铜在模拟苦咸水溶液中的腐蚀电化学行为进行了研究。
- 26. The precipitation of Doushantuo cap carbonates was deposited in warm, brackish water, and between the intertidal-subtidal inner ramp and shallow basin.
- 陡山沱组盖帽碳酸盐岩形成于温暖条件下、微咸化海水沉积环境,属潮间—潮下台地前缘斜坡和浅海盆地之间的过渡带。
- 27. Where drinking water is scarce, brackish, or even salt water, ifavailable, may be used for domestic hygiene. available, may be used for domestic hygiene.
- 在那些饮用水紧缺的地方,即使是含盐分的水或者咸水也可以用于家庭卫生的维持。
- 28. Where drinking water is scarce, brackish, or even salt water, ifavailable, may be used for domestic hygiene. available, may be used for domestic hygiene.
- 在那些饮用水紧缺的地方,即使是含盐分的水或者咸水也可以用于家庭卫生的维持。