- 1. His boss is a complete tyrant.
- 他的老板是个不折不扣的暴君。
- 2. I'll hand you over to my boss.
- 请跟我的老板讲。
- 3. He was at odds with the boss.
- 他与老板不合。
- 4. I had an argument with my boss.
- 我跟老板吵了一架。
- 5. Should I ask my boss for a rise?
- 我应要求老板增加工资吗?
- 6. His boss has a foul temper.
- 他的老板脾气很坏。
- 7. She ran away with her boss.
- 她与老板私奔了。
- 8. The boss is a wily old fox.
- 老板是个狡猾的老狐狸。
- 9. I took to my new boss immediately.
- 我立刻对新老板产生了好感。
- 10. She's always crawling to the boss.
- 她对老板总是谄媚奉承。
- 11. He cannot stand his boss.
- 他受不了他的老板。
- 12. He relayed the message to his boss.
- 他将这个消息转给了他的老板。
- 13. She and her boss ran away together.
- 她和老板一起私奔了。
- 14. The boss should be pleased with you.
- 上司应该对你满意了。
- 15. We had a good gossip about the boss.
- 我们讲了一会儿老板的闲话。
- 16. My boss is a real ogre.
- 我的上司是个十足的恶魔。
- 17. He isn't anything like my first boss.
- 他完全不像我的第一个老板。
- 18. She is having an affair with her boss.
- 她跟老板有暧昧关系。
- 19. He's directly responsible to the boss.
- 他直接对老板负责。
- 20. The boss beckoned him into her office.
- 老板招手示意他去她的办公室。
- 21. Everyone knows she sleeps with the boss.
- 人人知道她跟老板睡觉。
- 22. You seem to be very thick with the boss!
- 你好像和老板走得挺近的!
- 23. The boss has a very high opinion of her.
- 老板对她评价很高。
- 24. We've been having a bitch about our boss.
- 我们一直对老板牢骚满腹。
- 25. Her boss sent her on an errand into town.
- 老板派她进城办事去了。
- 26. Your opinion carries weight with the boss.
- 你的意见对老板有影响。
- 27. So you fancy yourself as the boss someday?
- 那么你认为自己有一天会成老板?
- 28. I can't hang about—the boss wants to see me.
- 我可不能磨磨蹭蹭了—老板要见我。
- 29. John often comes into conflict with his boss.
- 约翰经常和他的老板发生争执。
- 30. My boss is making life very difficult for me.
- 我的老板总是给我找麻烦。