- 1. It is surely too much to hope that these increases in the cost of public education can be borne by the local communities.
- 指望当地社区能够承担公共教育费用增加的部分,这当然是不切实际的。
- 2. Astrophysicists working with ground-based detectors at the South Pole and balloon-borne instruments are closing in on such structures, and may report their findings soon.
- 天体物理学家利用南极陆基探测器和球载仪器工作,正在对这些云系进行观测,也许不久会报告他们的观测结果。
- 3. She had borne him six sons.
- 她为他生了六个儿子。
- 4. He's borne me a grudge ever since that day.
- 从那一天起他便对我怀恨在心。
- 5. He's borne a grudge against me ever since that day.
- 从那一天起他便对我怀恨在心。
- 6. It was gradually borne in on us that defeat was inevitable.
- 我们逐渐认识到,失败是不可避免的。
- 7. They found out nothing more save that she had borne a child.
- 他们只查明她生过一个孩子,其他情况一无所获。
- 8. Recent studies have borne out claims that certain perfumes can bring about profound psychological changes.
- 最近的研究已经证实了某些香水能导致深刻的心理变化的说法。
- 9. His wife had borne him a son.
- 他的妻子给他生了个儿子。
- 10. He hath borne himself like to his own father.
- 他就像他的父亲一样。
- 11. She drifted in one direction, and he was borne off in another, both cheering.
- 她飘向一个方向,他飘向另一个方向,他们都在欢呼。
- 12. The damage that trucks do to highways escalates dramatically with the weight borne per axle.
- 卡车对公路的破坏随着每根车轴承受的重量而急剧增加。
- 13. He did not quite mean to let go, but he did it, and immediately he was borne across the room.
- 他不太敢飞,但他还是飞起来了,而且立刻被带到了房间的另一边。
- 14. Water-borne diseases had a much looser grip on the Japanese population than those in Britain.
- 与英国人相比,水传播疾病对日本人的影响弱得多。
- 15. As feathers became larger over time, flapping flight evolved and birds finally became fully air-borne.
- 随着时间的推移,羽毛变得越来越大,扑翼飞行逐渐发展,鸟类最终完全可以在空中飞行。
- 16. In most cases, the human waste is used on grain crops, which are eventually cooked, minimizing the risk of transmitting water-borne diseases.
- 在大多数情况下,人类粪便施用于谷物作物上,这些作物最终经过烹煮,从而最大程度地减少了因水传染的疾病的传播风险。
- 17. Companies' hopes that promotions might have a positive aftereffect have not been borne out for reasons that researchers have been able to identify.
- 企业希望促销活动可能产生积极的后果,但由于一些研究人员能够确定的原因,这种希望并没有得到证实。
- 18. Some digging around in historical records revealed that there was a change in the incidence of water-borne disease at that time, especially dysentery.
- 一些历史记录显示,当时水源性疾病的发病率发生了变化,尤其是痢疾。
- 19. It works in compression to pert the weight above it out to the sides, where the weight is borne by the vertical elements on either side of the arch.
- 在受到压力时,拱形结构能够起到将其上面的压力转移到侧面,在侧面的重量则由拱形结构两侧的垂直部分来承受。
- 20. Successive governments have permitted such increases on the grounds that the cost of investing in and running the rail network should be borne by those who use it, rather than the general taxpayer.
- 历届政府都允许这种增长,理由是投资和运营铁路网络的成本应由使用者承担,而不是一般纳税人。
- 21. Apart from the specific trends highlighted above, which cause some investors to worry, the report portrays an overall optimism borne by the recent healthy real-estate "upcycle" and improving economy.
- 除了上述一些导致投资者担忧的特定趋势外,该报告还描绘了近期房地产市场的健康“上升周期”和经济好转所带来的整体乐观态势。
- 22. In 1923, a South Dakotan proposed a giant carving as a way to lure the new breed of car-borne tourists.
- 1923年,一名南达科他州人提出修建巨型雕刻,以吸引汽车载客游览。
- 23. She has borne a boy.
- 她生了一个男孩。
- 24. It must be borne in mind that the victory is hard-won.
- 须知胜利来之不易。
- 25. Seeds with whitish elaiosomes are borne in long pods.
- 种子白色油质体生长在长豆荚中。
- 26. She had borne him a daughter.
- 她为他生了个女儿。
- 27. She was borne up to the ambulance.
- 她被抬上救护车。
- 28. Some approaches have borne fruit.
- 有些方法已经开花结果。
- 29. The project has borne some fruit.
- 该项目已经取得了一些成果。
- 30. She had never borne any other name.
- 因为人家从来不知道她有旁的名字。