- 1. Boreal owls range over a much larger area than do other owls of similar size.
- 北方猫头鹰的活动范围比其他类似体型的猫头鹰的活动范围要大得多。
- 2. The mightiest are native to North America, but big trees grow all over the globe, from the tropics to the boreal forests of the high latitudes.
- 最高大的树原产于北美,但大树遍布全球——从热带到高纬度的北方森林。
- 3. The boreal forest is transcontinental.
- 北方森林是横贯大陆的。
- 4. Canada's boreal forest is home to the oil sands.
- 加拿大的寒带森林是油砂的成因。
- 5. The largest wilderness area is the Boreal Forest.
- 最大的荒野地区是北方森林。
- 6. Treehotel, Boreal forest, near Lule?, Lapland, Sweden
- 瑞典 拉普兰德 吕勒奥附近博雷尔森林中的树上旅馆
- 7. Boreal forest is located primarily in Canada, Russia, and Alaska.
- 北方森林主要分布在加拿大、俄国和阿拉斯加。
- 8. The team studied particles generated by the so-called boreal forest.
- 这支研究团队研究的是被称为北方森林的地带所散发的微粒。
- 9. The IOD has significant influences on the MJO intensity in boreal summer.
- IOD对北半球夏季季节内振荡强度存在显著影响。
- 10. The boreal forest needs fire to maintain the ecosystem, and large fires happen regularly in the summer.
- 北部森林需要火来维持生态系统,所以夏季经常发生森林大火。
- 11. World forest Ecosystem includes tropical, subtropical, temperate, and boreal forests as well as other woodland.
- 世界森林生态系统包括热带、亚热带、温带森林,北方针叶林以及其他有林地。
- 12. The boreal forest will creep northwards, for example, as the permafrost thaws and carbon fertilisation increases.
- 例如,随着冻土融解,二氧化碳增多,针叶林将继续北移。
- 13. Such damage is already more common than most climate models had predicted, with the boreal belt especially hard hit.
- 上述这种破坏的普遍程度已经比大多数气候模型的预测结果要更加严重,而其中,针叶林带受到的打击尤为明显。
- 14. Research projects involve a wide persity of fauna and flora, with an emphasis on cold ocean and boreal environments.
- 研究范围涵盖动物相和植物相,以寒冷海域和北部生物为主。
- 15. Jack pines cross the boreal forest of northern Canada, stretching all the way to the East Coast and down into the United States.
- 短叶松穿过了加拿大北部针叶林带,并一路延伸到东海岸,直到美国。
- 16. Even if it takes a while to make it to the East Coast, the beetle's spread through the boreal forest can cause its own problems.
- Carroll还说,尽管扩散到东海岸还需要一些时间,但甲虫通过北部针叶林带的扩散本身就会产生一些问题。
- 17. Birds from every habitat-from boreal forests to subtropical islands-will have to adapt to the shifts in their already compromised habitat.
- 各个栖居地——从北方森林到亚热带岛屿——的鸟类将不得不适应业已熟悉的环境即将发生的转变。
- 18. About a third of the ring is in Canada, which has some 570 million hectares (1.4 billion acres) of boreal forest: only Russia boasts more.
- 北方森林中大约有三分之一位于加拿大境内,其面积约5.7亿公顷(14亿英亩),只有俄罗斯号称拥有更大面积的泰加针叶林。
- 19. The region is characterized by its spectacular geography and natural beauty including the Boreal Forest, the Prairies and the Northern Lights.
- 该地区以其壮观的地理环境和自然美景而出名,拥有北部针叶林、大草原和北极光景象。
- 20. Greenhouse gas emissions of tar sands crude are 40% higher than conventional oil, and the open-pit mining has devastated Alberta's boreal forest.
- 焦油砂的温室气体排放量比普通石油高40%,露天采矿已经极大地破坏了阿尔伯塔的北方气候带森林。
- 21. The characteristics of the rainforest protection zone with a model of the jungle, is one of the largest tropical jungle area of boreal area Chinese.
- 保护区内的丛林具有典范的寒带雨林特点,是中国寒带地区面积最大的寒带原始丛林之一。
- 22. Some studies suggest biochar can accelerate microbes degrading organic matter into dread CO2 in places like the boreal forests of the northern hemisphere.
- 一些研究表明,在北半球高纬度地区的森林里,生物炭会加速微生物将有机物降解成可怕的二氧化碳。
- 23. This was partly because of a plague of bark-beetles in its temperate and boreal zones, a record number of which have been surviving the recent mild winters.
- 造成这种损失的部分原因要归结于温带和针叶林带里爆发的小蠹虫虫害,创纪录数量的小蠹虫撑过了最近这些个温和的冬天。
- 24. Rich with aspen parkland and grasslands, marshes and small lakes, and spanning deciduous and boreal forests, Riding Mounting is a top wildlife-viewing locale.
- 这个公园有着大批山杨树的公园场地、草地、沼泽和小湖泊、落叶和寒带森林,骑马登山是一个顶级的观赏野生动物的活动。
- 25. Four-fifths of Canadian boreal forest products are consumed in the United States, and most of the purchasers there had given little thought to their paper’s origins.
- 来自加拿大北方森林的产品有五分之四最终都消费在美国市场,而这些产品的购买者压根就没有想过这些产品的来源。
- 26. Four-fifths of Canadian boreal forest products are consumed in the United States, and most of the purchasers there had given little thought to their paper’s origins.
- 来自加拿大北方森林的产品有五分之四最终都消费在美国市场,而这些产品的购买者压根就没有想过这些产品的来源。