- 1. The record was a bootleg.
- 这张唱片是私货。
- 2. Even entire cars are bootleg!
- 甚至在整俩汽车是伪造的!
- 3. You found a bootleg copy of that concert?
- 你找到了一张那个演唱会的翻版碟?
- 4. Really? Just buy a bootleg, they're cheap.
- 是吗?你干脆买盗版算了,盗版的便宜。
- 5. They copy everything. I love laughing at bootleg toys though.
- 他们什么都山寨。我就爱嘲笑那些私卖的玩具。
- 6. Bootleg DVD sales are rampant, but I didn't see any video games.
- 盗版DVD销售猖獗,但是我没有看见电子游戏。
- 7. Meanwhile, the workers watch a bootleg video instead of working.
- 同时,员工们都不工作却在看盗版光碟。
- 8. He wanted to run bootleg whisky to the border, and get into the big time.
- 他要把私酿的威士忌酒偷运到边界去赚大钱。
- 9. We've uncovered a stash of bootleg liquor and I think you know something about it.
- 我们已经发现了一个违法烈性酒的藏匿处,我想你可能知道关于它的一些情况。
- 10. In a more developed area of town, I managed to get myself into a backroom that was filled with bootleg handbags.
- 在一个较发达的市镇上,我设法使自己得以进入一家堆满伪造手提包的后院。
- 11. People used to buy bootleg CDs and Japanese imports containing music that none of their friends could get hold of.
- 过去人们经常购买盗版光碟和从日本进口的商品,那里面有他们的朋友所不能获得的音乐。
- 12. There's a decent chance today that the amused airport employee now owns an iPhone—or at least a fake or bootleg one.
- 现在,很有可能那位可笑的机场雇员也有了一台iphone----或者至少是山寨版。
- 13. I'm taking you in for questioning. We've uncovered a stash of bootleg liquor and I think you know something about it.
- 我要带你回去问话。我们已经发现了一个违法烈性酒的藏匿处,我想你可能知道关于它的一些情况。
- 14. Bootleg copies of the "Dark Knight" and Shenzen sweatshops churning out fake Louis Vuitton bags are only part of the problem.
- “黑骑士”的违法盗版和深圳血汗工厂生产路易·威登包仅是问题的一部分。
- 15. I just want to see the bootleg properly documented as a bootleg, and the $100 of cash spent in verifying as such not wasted.
- 我只是希望看到一个盗版妥善记录了盗版,以及美元在诸如不浪费核实花百元现金。
- 16. But these same trends have also increased intellectual piracy, from illegal file downloads to bootleg recordings to counterfeit products.
- 可是上述趋势也导致盗取知识产权的行为增加,从非法下载文件到盗录制品和仿冒产品皆有。
- 17. The hot air is always carried to the furnace by a powerful turboblower, through the hot blast main, bustle pipe, bootleg, blowpipe and tuyere.
- 热风由功率强大的鼓风机通过热风总管、环形风管、风口小弯管、直吹管和风口不断鼓人高炉。
- 18. Its not cheap or easy to design a new yoyo and its not like this is a multibillion dollar market that a bootleg will only have a small effect.
- 设计一个悠悠球并不便宜的,而且这也不是那种完全不会被盗版影响的“一块钱市场”。
- 19. Bootleg phones, running low-end versions of Windows Mobile or Symbian on Mediatek Chipsets are still easily the most common phones due to their low price.
- 价格上的优势更让装载着联发科芯片、运行着低版本WM或塞班的手机成为大众的宠儿。
- 20. They range in price from about $150 for a "bootleg" version that is far from the original in color and style to more than $800 for one that can be custom-made .
- 它们的价格不等,从大约150美元购买一个“偷”版本就是远离原来的色彩和风格,以超过800元,其中可度身定做。
- 21. In a message posted Wednesday on her Web site, Rowling said she was concerned about online piracy, included bootleg editions for which the original text was altered.
- 周三,罗琳在她的个人网站上留言说,她非常担心网上的盗版行为,其中包括那些窜改原文的盗版版本。
- 22. A recent study found that Web sites offering pirated digital content or counterfeit goods, like illicit movie downloads or bootleg software, record 53 billion hits per year.
- 最近一项研究发现网站提供侵权数字内容或者仿造品比如非法电影下载或非法仿造软件,每年记录达五千三百万起。
- 23. A recent study found that Web sites offering pirated digital content or counterfeit goods, like illicit movie downloads or bootleg software, record 53 billion hits per year.
- 最近一项研究发现网站提供侵权数字内容或者仿造品比如非法电影下载或非法仿造软件,每年记录达五千三百万起。