- 1. Rural residents are likely to find their lives in the boondocks too restrictive.
- 农村居民可能会发现他们在穷乡僻壤的生活太受限了。
- 2. Return to Nature, reintegration boondocks became majority of the inevitable choice.
- 回归自然,重返乡野就成了多数人的必然选择。
- 3. But if "Bridges to nowhere" start springing up in the boondocks, it will probably be money wasted.
- 但是如果在穷乡僻壤到处修“绝路桥”(指没有用的桥),那可能只是浪费钱财。
- 4. To keep Earth inhabitants away from the rest of the universe community, our planet was stuck way out in the boondocks at the rim of a second-rate galaxy.
- 为避免地球的业主们与宇宙的其他社群接触,我们的星球被困在银河系远郊三四流的不毛之地。
- 5. Qin in particular can't wait to abandon school, get out of the boondocks and move to the city where, surrounded by high-rises and neon and the intoxicating whir of the Now, a girl can have some fun.
- 女儿张琴尤其迫不及待想要辍学摆脱农村,她向往城市的高楼大厦和霓虹灯,想要享受“现在”的生活而非未来,这些想法对于一个女孩来说是正常的,她应该开心地过每一天。
- 6. But call it a sign of how small the world has become, or how pervasive globalization has spread, but here in the boondocks of backwaters, perse interests from around the world have begun to seep in.
- 怎么说世界变得怎么小的一个标志,或者全球化的普及如何快,但这里还是一滩死水的穷乡僻壤,来自世界的各种利益群体开始渗入其中。
- 7. But call it a sign of how small the world has become, or how pervasive globalization has spread, but here in the boondocks of backwaters, perse interests from around the world have begun to seep in.
- 怎么说世界变得怎么小的一个标志,或者全球化的普及如何快,但这里还是一滩死水的穷乡僻壤,来自世界的各种利益群体开始渗入其中。