- 1. Pakistan derives about a fifth of its output from agriculture, and much of its most productive cropland is submerged or turned to the bog.
- 巴基斯坦五分之一的产出来自于农业,但其高产量农田中已有许多被淹没或变成了沼泽。
- 2. "We also built bog bridges, " Macie says. "You need to take the supportive logs underneath and remove their bark because the bark can rot quickly."
- “我们还建了沼泽桥,”马西埃 (Macie)说,“你需要将一些支撑的原木放在下面,去掉上面的树皮,因为它们腐烂的很快。”
- 3. Bog off, I'm trying to sleep!
- 走开,我要睡觉啦!
- 4. When his teacher, Mr. Hall, knocked into a bookshelf in the library, Freddy said, "Don't worry. Mrs. Bog won't upset."
- 当他的老师霍尔先生撞到图书馆的一个书架上时,弗雷迪说:“别担心。博格太太不会不高兴的。”
- 5. Your car will bog down in the mud.
- 你的车会陷进泥沼的。
- 6. They had a cinnamon-like herb called bog myrtle, but it was the Romans who introduced many of the herbs and vegetables that we now know and love.
- 他们有类似肉桂的草本植物名为桃金娘,但是是古罗马人引进了很多我们现在了解并且十分喜欢的草本植物和蔬菜。
- 7. So who CARES what the bog thinks?
- 谁会在乎泥水池沼在想什么呢?
- 8. A piece of impassable bog with yield of liquid peat.
- 一个不可逾越的泥沼区。
- 9. You'll have to seek for her shoes in the bog tomorrow.
- 你明天得到泥沼地里去找她的鞋哩。
- 10. Don't bog yourself down trying to solve these phantom issues.
- 不要为去解决这些幻想的问题而使自己陷入泥潭,效率下降。
- 11. During filming for Top Gear, it was claimed he damaged a peat bog in Scotland.
- 据说他在拍摄Top Gear时毁坏了苏格兰的一整片泥炭沼泽地。
- 12. How much time and effort do you usually put into styling your bog-standard page content?
- 你平时会花多少时间和精力做你标准页面的内容呢?
- 13. Suddenly, in a bog I can walk to from my office, I've got 50, 000 lakes to do experiments on.
- 突然,我能从办公室步入一片沼泽了,我拥有了50,000个做实验的湖区。
- 14. But don't let unanswered questions bog you down; move on, even if to an interim commitment.
- 不要让没有解答的问题束缚住你;哪怕做出暂时的承诺也要继续前进。
- 15. As the stock-trading volume soared, data systems across the stock market began to bog down.
- 随着股票交易量的激增,股市中各数据系统开始出现问题。
- 16. and that’s when motorists don’t bog down in multi-day traffic jams as they did last summer.
- 这还是在司机没有遭遇连日堵车被困在路上的情况下,去年夏天就发生了这样的情况。
- 17. One day, while trying to 1)eke out a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog.
- 有一天,他正在地里干活为家人谋生计,突然听见附近沼泽地里传来了呼救声。
- 18. Vast stretches of peat bog surrounding the city have dried out and caught fire covering Moscow with choking smog.
- 城市周围大面积分布的泥炭沼泽已经干涸着火,将莫斯科笼罩在令人窒息的烟雾中。
- 19. Many of today's corporate PCs are saddled with management, backup, and security agents that can bog down a PC.
- 如今的公司电脑搭载了大量管理、备份和安全软件,速度甚至要比蜗牛还慢。
- 20. Whether plunging through a steep-sided gorge or oozing through a peat bog, water is a constant presence in the park.
- 无论是从陡峭的峡谷中跃出,还是从泥炭沼泽中渗出,水总是在公园中无处不见。
- 21. The bog can decompose for hundreds of metres round every turbine, potentially releasing millions of tonnes of carbon.
- 每个涡轮机周围几百米内的沼泽地腐烂分解后,很有可能释放出几百万吨的碳。
- 22. Adding this function to HTTP would bog down the Internet, and reduce effectiveness of areas that may not need it.
- 向HTTP添加这个功能会使因特网陷入困境,并降低可能不需要这个功能的区域的效率。
- 23. One is bog simple-just a count of shares, but even the simple things are often contextualized to a very fine degree.
- 其中一个非常简单—只是一些股票计数。但是,即使是特别简单的东西也常常具有非常具体的上下文。
- 24. Wolfowitz says the World Bank wants to be helpful and will not bog down the process by insisting on being the lead agency.
- 沃尔福威茨说,世界银行希望有所帮助,不会由于坚持认为它是首要机构而阻碍这一进程。
- 25. The Storflaket permafrost plateau bog near Abisko in northern Sweden shows cracks at its borders due to thawing of the permafrost.
- 在靠近瑞典北部阿比斯库的Storflaket高原多年冻土沼泽由于冻土融化在其边缘处出现了裂缝。
- 26. The Storflaket permafrost plateau bog near Abisko in northern Sweden shows cracks at its borders due to thawing of the permafrost.
- 在靠近瑞典北部阿比斯库的Storflaket高原多年冻土沼泽由于冻土融化在其边缘处出现了裂缝。