- 1. Riot police with shields were blocking the demonstrators' way.
- 手持盾牌的防暴警察堵住了示威者的路。
- 2. The cars blocking the exits could turn this place into a death trap.
- 那些堵住出口的汽车可能使这地方成为死亡陷阱。
- 3. The Taliban are blocking food deliveries to central Afghanistan.
- 塔利班正在阻止向阿富汗中部运送食品。
- 4. Colonno, taking advantage of these common receptors, devised a strategy for blocking the attachment of rhinoviruses to their appropriate receptors.
- 科洛诺利用这些常见的受体,设计了一种策略来阻止鼻病毒附着在合适的受体上。
- 5. With the right device tuned to the right frequency, what's to stop a thief from jamming your setup and blocking that alert signal from ever reaching the base station?
- 通过将正确的设备调整到正确的频率,如何防止小偷干扰你的设备阻止警报信号到达基站呢?
- 6. I have also witnessed a player reacting to his opponent's international and illegal blocking by deliberately hitting him with the ball as hard as he could during the course of play.
- 我还曾经亲眼目睹,一名球员在比赛过程中为了应对对手的全面违规封堵,故意用球狠狠打他。
- 7. Sit down—you're blocking my view.
- 坐下,你挡住我的视线了。
- 8. The door opened, blocking his forward movement.
- 门开了,挡住他前进的路。
- 9. He stood squarely in front of them, blocking the entrance.
- 他就对着他们站在那里,挡住入口。
- 10. He pulled down the shades, blocking out the bright sunlight.
- 他拉下了窗帘,遮挡住强烈的阳光。
- 11. Trees, undergrowth and creepers intertwined, blocking our way.
- 树木、灌木和攀藤植物相互缠绕,挡了我们的路。
- 12. I saw a man shouting at a driver whose car was blocking the street.
- 我看见一个人正冲着一个司机大喊,那个司机的车挡住了街道。
- 13. Murray has joined other Senate Democrats in blocking the legislation.
- 默里已经加入其他民主党参议员反对这项立法了。
- 14. Subscribers should be allowed call-blocking services, but equally, they should be able to choose whether to accept calls from blocked numbers.
- 用户应当被允许使用拒收来电服务,但同样地,他们也应能够选择是否接听被阻拦号码的来电。
- 15. Can you cut down those bigger trees? They are blocking the sun.
- 你能砍倒那些较大的树吗?它们挡住了太阳。
- 16. That means people were not blocking out the distraction.
- 这意味着人们并没有屏蔽干扰。
- 17. "For once, we are the ones who are blocking the traffic," he says delightedly.
- “这一次,是我们正在阻碍交通。”他高兴地说。
- 18. But inside, special windows cut power bills by blocking solar heat in summer and retaining indoor warmth in winter.
- 但是在室内,特殊的窗户通过在夏天阻挡太阳的热量和在冬天保持室内温暖来减少电费。
- 19. Targland plans to halt this population decline by blocking the current access routes into the desert and announcing new regulations to allow access only on foot.
- 塔格兰德计划通过封锁目前进入沙漠的通道,并宣布新的规定,即只允许步行进入沙漠,来阻止这种人口的减少。
- 20. It is convenient to substitute carbon powder patterns or characters for the printing matrix in the gold blocking machine.
- 在烫金机中用碳粉图案或字符代替打印矩阵很方便。
- 21. What is blocking the essentials?
- 什么东西在阻碍你寻找本质?
- 22. The new number is blocking the old.
- 新号码阻挡了那个旧的。
- 23. It is all basic blocking and tackling.
- 策略中都是基本的阻挡与抢断。
- 24. Blocking events are not restricted to Russia.
- “阻塞事件”并未局限于俄罗斯。
- 25. The bold lines represent blocking operations.
- 黑体线表示处于阻塞的操作。
- 26. Is someone or something blocking your message?
- 有什么人或事在阻止信息的传播吗?
- 27. Still: Apple is not blocking your choices.
- 尽管如此,苹果没有阻拦你的选择。
- 28. What, if anything is blocking my progress?
- 如果有事情阻碍了我的进程,我该干些什么?
- 29. Requests processed synchronously are blocking calls.
- 同步处理的请求会阻塞调用。
- 30. Jerk! Back-off your car. You are blocking the street.
- 笨蛋!把车卡走,你的车子把这街道都堵死了!