- 1. In the 1960s, paleoecologist Paul Martin developed what became known as the blitzkrieg hypothesis.
- 在20世纪60年代,古生态学家保罗·马丁提出了被称为“闪电战”的假说。
- 2. In German, Blitzkrieg means lightning war (Blitz - krieg).
- 在德语中,闪电战意为快如闪电般的战斗。
- 3. Men like to play blitzkrieg, with a woman, in the shortest time to shorten the fickle cycle.
- ⊙、男人喜欢打闪电战,用最短的时间拿下女人,把喜新厌旧的周期缩短。
- 4. He planned to use the blitzkrieg, or "lightning war," tactics that had defeated the rest of Europe.
- 他计划采用征服了欧洲其余地区的闪电式战略。
- 5. Step 1 in the 3G management model is a wholesale replacement of the top team and a blitzkrieg of cost cutting.
- 3G管理模式的第一步是,批量更换高管团队和大刀阔斧地削减成本。
- 6. The extinction of the woolly mammoth and other large ice age animals can't be blamed on a 'human blitzkrieg', say researchers.
- 研究者表明:“长毛象以及其他一些大型的冰期动物的灭绝不应归咎于‘人类的袭击’。”
- 7. And though he acted with what seemed at the time like blitzkrieg aggressiveness, he regretted in later years that he hadn't moved even faster.
- 虽然他的行动在当时看来就像一场闪电战,但他后来却后悔自己没能更快。
- 8. When the German Blitzkrieg began on Europe, Patton finally convinced Congress that the United States needed a more powerful armored striking force.
- 当德国闪电战从欧洲开始时,巴顿最后使国会确信美国需要一种更强有力的装甲力量。
- 9. Contrary to our images of a motorized blitzkrieg, 75% of German transport was horse-drawn (think how much hay and how many hay wagons are needed to feed 750, 000 horses.)
- 和我们印象中的闪电战相反,75%的德军靠马行军(想象一下需要多少粮草和运粮草的马车才能满足750 000匹马。)
- 10. This result directly contradicts models of population collapse from human overkill (blitzkrieg) or infectious diseases following the first human contact (hyperdisease).
- 这种结论直接与由人类过度捕杀或是与人类第一次接触后带来的传染性疾病造成群体崩溃的说法矛盾。
- 11. A relatively short-range and short-time Blitzkrieg in good weather, as the invasions of Poland, France, Yugoslavia and Greece were, is one thing, and the Germans excelled there.
- 德国人善于在相对较小的范围,较短的时间和良好的天气条件下发动闪电战,如入侵波兰,法国,南斯拉夫和希腊。
- 12. A relatively short-range and short-time Blitzkrieg in good weather, as the invasions of Poland, France, Yugoslavia and Greece were, is one thing, and the Germans excelled there.
- 德国人善于在相对较小的范围,较短的时间和良好的天气条件下发动闪电战,如入侵波兰,法国,南斯拉夫和希腊。