- 1. Five shops were damaged in a firebomb blitz.
- 在一次燃烧弹袭击中有五家店铺被烧毁。
- 2. Regional accents are still acceptable but there is to be a blitz on incorrect grammar.
- 地方口音还可以接受,但错误语法必须要大力改进。
- 3. In 1974, Russy's daughter Rita founded the "Cine Blitz" magazine.
- 1974年,鲁西的女儿丽塔建立了“电影闪电战”杂志。
- 4. But, Blitz does have two basic virtues.
- 但是,Blitz确实有两个基本优点。
- 5. In fact, the blitz has already begun.
- 实际上,Windows 7的闪电战已经开始。
- 6. I have been asked how I felt in the Blitz.
- 有人问我闪击战期间的感受。
- 7. If you find yourself doing a message blitz, back off.
- 如果你发现自己正在做一场信息大战的话,放一放,停下来!
- 8. It is the equivalent of a coast-to-coast marketing blitz.
- 这是一次全美范围对等的闪击式营销。
- 9. As the first film was released, in 2001, a merchandising blitz began.
- 2001年第一部电影上映,一场销售闪电战也随即上演。
- 10. But Arniston Bay's pouch is the subject of a marketing blitz in Britain.
- 而ArnistonBay的袋装葡萄酒却是抢占英国市场的主题。
- 11. But because it's a bit unclear, Blitz makes you think of an array as a matrix.
- 但是这样有点不清楚,所以Blitz使您把数组看作矩阵。
- 12. Of course, the recordings usually lasted 2 or 3 days. Then the Blitz suddenly ended.
- 当然,一般来说,最多就记录了2、3天,这些闪电战就“不战而剩”了
- 13. The league then launched a publicity blitz to try to get public opinion on its side.
- 在以上对话后,联盟开始进行一系列紧急公关行动,以期舆论会站在它这一边。
- 14. like“Endeavor for 2001”, “100 Days of My Endeavor”, “30 Days Blitz”, so on and so forth.
- 什么《奋斗2001年》、《我的奋斗100天》、《奋斗30天闪电战》……
- 15. Collapsing tourist revenues after the Tigers' blitz on Colombo augur more economic damage.
- 猛虎组织突袭科伦坡之后,流失的旅游收益预示着更多经济上的破坏。
- 16. There is, however, quite a bit of illustrative code from which the nuances of Blitz syntax can be gleaned.
- 然而,有不少说明性的代码,从中可以了解blitz语法的细微差别。
- 17. Add the mango puree to the whipped cream and blitz 5-10 seconds, or until you get a good mango-cream consistency.
- 把芒果糊糊倒回食品处理器/搅拌机,打5-10秒,或者打到芒果奶油稠度适合你的口味为止
- 18. A breathalyser blitz has helped to reduce drink-driving, says Luis Genaro vasquez, the city's deputy attorney-general.
- 墨西哥城副总检察长Luis Genarovasquez说到,“呼气测醉”闪电战对减少酒驾很有帮助。
- 19. A social media networking blitz by the White House helped publicise the speech in an effort to generate discussion.
- 为了引发讨论,白宫的一个社会媒体网络迅速传播这次演讲。
- 20. Sinister edge... Henry Moore's Pink and Green Sleepers (1941), of figures sleeping in London's Underground during the blitz.
- 凶险的边缘…亨利·摩尔的粉绿沉睡者(1941),描绘了闪电战中睡在伦敦地下的人。
- 21. Sheila lived at Belfast Zoo until she was moved to her unusual home in 1941 as the city underwent the so-called Belfast Blitz.
- 由于1941年贝尔法斯特闪电战爆发,这只名叫“希拉”的小象被转移至一个平常人家的后院,此前它一直生活在贝尔法斯特动物园。
- 22. Ross and Altfest enjoyed a brief media blitz. They wound up in the pages of the New York Herald Tribune and in Cosmopolitan.
- 罗斯和阿费斯享受到了短暂的媒体热捧,他们兴奋的出现在《纽约先驱论坛报》和《丽都》的页面上。
- 23. Unlike negotiating for the use of your parents' car, a college paper is not the place for an all-out blitz of every type of argument.
- 与说服父母借用家里的汽车不同,学校论文不是一个综合运用全部方法的闪击战。
- 24. Hyundai followed up its Super Bowl gambit with an AD blitz in ABC's Academy Awards broadcast, its first national play with the Oscars.
- 现代公司的超级碗开局后,跟进行动是在ABC台播放的奥斯卡颁奖典礼广告闪电战,这也是现代公司首次携手奥斯卡的全美表演。
- 25. Cuts in public spending will have to go far beyond the gimmicky blitz on top salaries, official cars and mobile phones mentioned so far.
- 仅仅是对之前提到的顶工资,官方用车和手机的一番花拳绣腿,对削减公共开支只是杯水车薪。
- 26. Even the blitz didn’t stop London’s buses, some lamented; how would today’s Britons have fared in winters of yore, when the Thames froze?
- 甚至1940年德国对英国的猛烈空袭也没有使伦敦的公共汽车停止,有些人哀叹;当泰晤士河冻结时,今日的英国人将如何度过在往昔的冬天。
- 27. Blitz also possesses the standard calculator type functions, so arrays can be displayed on the standard output, and can be read from and sent to files.
- Blitz还处理标准计算器类型函数,所以数组可在标准输出上显示,而且可从文件中读入或发送到文件。
- 28. Blitz also possesses the standard calculator type functions, so arrays can be displayed on the standard output, and can be read from and sent to files.
- Blitz还处理标准计算器类型函数,所以数组可在标准输出上显示,而且可从文件中读入或发送到文件。