- 1. Mark has been blind from birth.
- 马克先天失明。
- 2. Doctors think he will go blind.
- 医生们认为他会失明。
- 3. He was a teacher of the blind.
- 他过去是位教盲人的老师。
- 4. One of her parents is blind.
- 她的父母有一个是盲人。
- 5. Lisa is deaf in one ear and partially blind.
- 莉萨一只耳朵聋了,并且在一定程度上失明了。
- 6. His manners had always made her blind to his faults.
- 他的彬彬有礼总使她看不见他的缺点。
- 7. Sixteen times as many men are colour-blind as women.
- 色盲的男性人数是女性人数的十六倍。
- 8. Each blind student was paired with a sighted student.
- 每个盲人学员都配了一个有视力的学员。
- 9. In a double-blind trial, there were some improvements.
- 在一个双盲测试中,有了一些进步。
- 10. I started helping him run the business when he went blind.
- 他失明以后,我就开始帮他打理生意。
- 11. But for now, she is in the grip of a blind, unfocused anger.
- 但是现在,她正被一股盲目的无目标的怒气控制着。
- 12. In heavily infected areas, half the population become blind.
- 在严重感染的地区,有一半人口失明了。
- 13. Since he was colour blind, he favoured large, showy flowers.
- 因为他是色盲,所以他喜爱大而艳丽的花。
- 14. I must have been blind not to realize the danger we were in.
- 当时我一定是眼瞎了,竟然没有意识到我们所处的危险。
- 15. We provide signers for deaf people and readers for the blind.
- 我们为聋人提供手语译员,为盲人提供朗读员。
- 16. The nest contained eight little mice that were naked and blind.
- 这窝里有8只小老鼠,没毛也看不见东西。
- 17. Blind and disabled people are eligible for SSI even under age 65.
- 即使年龄不足65岁,盲人和残疾人也有资格获得附加社会保障收入。
- 18. I threw aside my mosquito net, jumped out of bed and drew up the blind.
- 我撩开蚊帐,跳下床,拉开百叶窗。
- 19. The museum has special facilities for blind and partially sighted visitors.
- 博物馆有专门设备供失明和视力有缺陷的参观者使用。
- 20. How many official documents have been transcribed into Braille for blind people?
- 有多少官方文件已经转成盲文供盲人阅读?
- 21. Furniture in the classroom should not be changed around without warning the blind child.
- 该教室里的设施未经告知该盲童不得挪动。
- 22. Blind children tend to be more passive in this area of motor development than sighted children.
- 失明的孩子在动作发展这一方面往往比不失明的孩子更加被动。
- 23. Blind birds fly in circles.
- 眼瞎的鸟儿转圈飞。
- 24. How the blind move around.
- 盲人如何四处走动。
- 25. Alan Smith is blind.
- 艾伦·史密斯是个盲人。
- 26. I won't let you rush about like a blind man riding a blind horse.
- 我不会让你像瞎子骑着瞎马一样到处乱跑。
- 27. His mother is partially blind.
- 他的母亲失去了部分视力。
- 28. It was a moment of blind panic.
- 当时是一阵莫名的惊慌。
- 29. He was blind from birth.
- 他天生失明。
- 30. She is blind to her husband's faults.
- 她对丈夫的过错毫无察觉。