- 1. He just blatantly lied about it.
- 他简直是睁着眼睛说瞎话。
- 2. For years, blatantly false assertions have gone unchallenged.
- 很多年来,极其错误的断言从未曾受到质疑。
- 3. It became blatantly obvious to me that the band wasn't going to last.
- 我看得再清楚不过,这个乐队存在不了多久。
- 4. Pro SEO's would not be so obvious and stupid as to blatantly use keywords as a person's name when the links are no followed.
- 如果网页链接打不开,专业的搜索引擎优化是不会这么直白和愚蠢地公然使用关键字做人名的。
- 5. This turns out not to be blatantly impossible.
- 这也不一定是不可能的。
- 6. Our society blatantly values appearance over ability.
- 我们社会公然地重视外貌胜过能力。
- 7. The technique he chose cunningly - was to blatantly insult his audience.
- 而他精心选择的方式就是:肆无忌惮地大骂观众。
- 8. Or if they just blatantly asked me, I would say I don't talk about my personal life.
- 如果他们直接问我,我会说我不想谈论自己的私生活。
- 9. But last year she lost an attempt win a seat in parliament, in blatantly rigged elections.
- 去年她尝试获得议会的一个席位,但是失败了,而那次大选是有人公开非法操纵的。
- 10. This assumption is blatantly wrong, but it makes the evaluation linear and therefore fast.
- 这是明显错误的假设,但它使得评价线性,因此很快。
- 11. If you're going to make a Digg script, you better be certain it's not blatantly easy to detect.
- 如果你想做一个Digg脚本,你最好确定它不会公然的容易被检测到。
- 12. Bernie had been in Aspen, people said, as had his brother, Peter, but never to solicit blatantly.
- 人们说,伯尼曾在阿斯彭住着,还有他的弟弟彼得,但从来没有公开求证。
- 13. What's more, it's clear the lawmaker lied about his personal misconduct, blatantly and repeatedly.
- 更重要的是,这位国会议员很明显对自己的不当行为采取的应对方式是公然、反复的撒谎。
- 14. Some degreemills blatantly offer to sell a degree and perhaps a transcript from alegitimate school.
- 一些“学位作坊”明目张胆地出售学位,甚至出售来自正规大学的文凭。
- 15. In other words, the rich world should focus on getting rid of blatantly foolish and costly policies.
- 换言之,发达国家应致力于摆脱那种明显是愚蠢和高代价的政策。
- 16. She was blatantly suspicious of me at first—Who is this flamingo traipsing through my house every day?
- 她一开始对我抱持怀疑的态度——“这只红鹤干嘛天天在我家闲晃?”
- 17. He has blatantly said that the company is absolutely not for sale, and isn't interested in being acquired.
- 他公开宣称Twitter绝对不会卖掉,且对被收购也不感兴趣。
- 18. Refusing to face facts might seem blatantly unhealthy. Sometimes, though, a short period of denial can be helpful.
- 逃避现实可能看似非常不利于健康,然而,在有些情况下,短期的否认状态是有益的。
- 19. The most blatantly anti-entrepreneurial aspect of the Army is the strict time-in-service requirement for various ranks.
- 陆军最不加掩饰的反创业型的表现就是严格按照服役时间实施各级别的晋升。
- 20. This blatantly protectionist rule is but one example of the country's cumbersome and unfair system of insurance regulation.
- 这个显而易见的保护主义规章就是美国保险管理系统拙劣、不公平的一个例子。
- 21. Pro SEO’s would not be so obvious and stupid as to blatantly use keywords as a person’s name when the links are no followed.
- 如果网页链接不会被打开的话,专业的搜索引擎优化是不会这么直白和愚蠢的公开使用关键字做人名的。
- 22. She won that fight against the odds. But last year she lost an attempt win a seat in parliament, in blatantly rigged elections.
- 她赢得了那场反对不平等待遇的斗争。去年她尝试获得议会的一个席位,但是失败了,而那次大选是有人公开非法操纵的。
- 23. Hold the Olympics in Greece every 4 years with true sport spirit and get rid of nationalism so blatantly displayed in every game.
- 每4年只在希腊举办奥林匹克运动会,用真正的体育精神,摆脱在每场比赛中都明目张胆的民族主义。
- 24. Why should Mr Mugabe even consider meeting this array of conditions, when he has so blatantly flouted or rejected them in the past?
- 为什么穆加贝现在竟会考虑这么一大堆条件,而此前他却如此无所顾忌地藐视或拒绝这些条件?
- 25. It would have to be an act of deliberate sabotage on Microsoft's part and blatantly illegal, but that doesn't mean it couldn't happen.
- 这是微软的故意破坏,而且明显是违法的,但这并不意味着事情就不会发生。
- 26. Bernanke deserves to be impeached for his previous ACTS of perjury and for blatantly ignoring the price inflation that exists all around us.
- 伯南克应该因为之前的做伪证的行为和他公然忽视我们身边到处存在的通胀被起诉。
- 27. "I've never seen a business so blatantly screw its business partners," says Peter Sealey, a professor at Berkeley's Haas School of business.
- 伯克利大学哈斯商学院教育PeterSealey说:“我从未见过象这样公然把合作伙伴弄得这么惨的。”
- 28. "I've never seen a business so blatantly screw its business partners," says Peter Sealey, a professor at Berkeley's Haas School of business.
- 伯克利大学哈斯商学院教育PeterSealey说:“我从未见过象这样公然把合作伙伴弄得这么惨的。”