- 1. He was bigoted and racist.
- 他是一个偏执的种族主义者。
- 2. He's lazy, bigoted, and he has a drinking problem.
- 他懒惰又固执,而且他有酗酒的问题。
- 3. I imagine it's pretty easy to raise your kid if you're bigoted.
- 即使你很固执,我也认为您养育孩子是相当容易的。
- 4. Sand thought him backwards and bigoted in everything but music.
- 乔治桑认为,肖邦事事落后顽固,只在音乐方面例外。
- 5. Collective narcissists also embrace their own bigoted attitudes.
- 群体自恋者还笃信自己的偏执看法。
- 6. They tend, however, to be eccentric, and bigoted and they anger easily.
- 然而,他们却有一种偏执、顽固的倾向,并且很容易生气。
- 7. Don't we need affirmative action to keep bigoted employers from refusing to.
- 我们不需要平权法案以使偏执的(bigoted)雇主无法拒绝聘用少数族群和妇女吗?
- 8. The family has been described variously as crass, bigoted, racist and plain boring.
- 人们对这家人有各种不同的评价:愚蠢、顽固、有种族偏见和无聊透顶,不一而足。
- 9. The dualism is a special case and monism is a bigoted of pluralism and thus both must be discarded.
- 二元论是多元论的特例,一元论是对多元论的偏执,均应弃置。
- 10. Radio stations and newspapers must now consider the larger, newer audience, and stop the bigoted pandering.
- 现在,无线广播电台和报纸必须考虑更广泛、更新鲜的受众,不要再一味地迎合地方。
- 11. Jeanne's bigoted father takes the baby away from her and has it conveyed to a remote nunnery to be reared by the nuns.
- 珍妮固执己见的父亲将小女婴自珍妮那抱走,送至一所遥远的女修道院让修女抚养。
- 12. It sets the case for the inpidual committed to the examined life over and against a bigoted and prejudiced multitude.
- 它述及的案例是个人,致力于检视生命,力抗,一群顽固及偏狭的民众。
- 13. So here's six of the TV's top anti-heroes - from bigoted detectives to smooth talking ad-men. What have we missed? Let us know.
- 以下是六部电视剧集中顶级反英雄角色,从固执的侦探到花言巧语的广告商,我们遗漏了哪些?下面我们一起来看看。
- 14. Modern reason in such bigoted culture extremism of Zhang Chengzhi and Lu Xun' s cultural paradox, there are fundamental differences.
- 张承志这种偏执的文化极端主义与鲁迅的文化悖论中的现代理性,有着貌似之下的根本区别。
- 15. Less intelligent and more bigoted Americans, finding a spokesman in the late Senator McCarthy, sought a simple explanation FOR their problems.
- 稍欠明智而生性顽固的美国人,认定已故麦卡锡参议员为代言人,要想寻求一个简单的答案。
- 16. David was raised in a blue-collar family, had a 25 bigoted, alcoholic father, and a mother he described as "very nervous, irritable, anxious."
- 大卫生长在一个蓝领阶级家庭,有一个刚愎自用的酒鬼父亲,母亲,如他所形容的,“非常紧张、易怒且焦躁不安”。
- 17. Yet you who can help, you who say that you want to help, you who are trying to help, are becoming more and more narrow, more and more bigoted, sectarian.
- 你们本可以有所帮助,你们说你们想要提供帮助、你们试图去帮助,可是你们变得越来越狭隘,越来越偏执,派系四起。
- 18. Attitudes like Mrs Bachmann’s may do her little harm with the Republican base, but strike parts of the wider electorate as antiquated or downright bigoted.
- 类似Bachmann这样的态度可能损害不了共和党的基础,但是作为一种过时和完全固执的观念却打击了更广泛的各方选民。
- 19. Like many others who have the arrogance to see themselves as chosen vessels for the generation of the world he was narrow-minded and bigoted in the extreme.
- 像许多其它傲慢地自以为是更新世界的不凡人物一样,他极端褊狭、顽固。
- 20. Like many others who have the arrogance to see themselves as chosen vessels for the generation of the world, he was narrow-minded and bigoted in the extreme.
- 像许多其它傲慢地自以为是更新世界的不凡人物一样,他极端褊狭、顽固。
- 21. Cuvier, with one eye on Genesis and the other on nature, tried to please bigoted reaction by reconciling fossils with texts and by making mastodons flatter Moses.
- 居维叶一只眼睛望着《创世记》,另一只眼睛望着自然界,为了取媚于迷信的反动势力,于是用化石证实经文,用猛犸颂扬摩西。
- 22. In the recent imbroglio - over racist comments by Don Imus, many commentators observed-correctly-that similarly bigoted - language suffuses America's mainstream media.
- 最近唐·伊穆斯对于种族主义的评论引发了纠纷。对此,许多评论家的观察是正确的,即类似的偏执语言充斥着美国的主流媒体。
- 23. SCL-90 was composed of 90 items in 10 factors, including somatization, compulsion, interpersonal relationship, depression, anxiety, hostility, horror, bigoted and psychosis etc.
- 临床症状自评量表包含躯体化、强迫症状、人际关系、抑郁、焦虑、敌对、恐怖、偏执、精神病性等10个因子共90个条目。
- 24. SCL-90 was composed of 90 items in 10 factors, including somatization, compulsion, interpersonal relationship, depression, anxiety, hostility, horror, bigoted and psychosis etc.
- 临床症状自评量表包含躯体化、强迫症状、人际关系、抑郁、焦虑、敌对、恐怖、偏执、精神病性等10个因子共90个条目。