- 1. Supercomputers are big-ticket items.
- 超级电脑是高价商品。
- 2. You can save up to $23 per plant by building an edible garden with big-ticket vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, and green beans.
- 你可以用西红柿、黄瓜和青豆等高价蔬菜建造一个可食用的菜园,这样每株植物可以节省23美元。
- 3. Suffice to say, I've been feeling pretty satisfied with myself for all the drinking water I've saved with these big-ticket projects.
- 无需多说,我对自己用这些大项目节省下来的饮用水感到非常满意。
- 4. Automobile is still a big-ticket item.
- 汽车仍然是昂贵用品。
- 5. The Rolling Stones are one of the big-ticket acts touring this summer.
- “滚石”是今年夏天巡回演出中最卖座的乐队之一。
- 6. Woroch also warns against shelling out dough to protect a big-ticket purchase.
- 沃罗奇还提醒大家不要花很多钱去保修一件大额物品。
- 7. Airlines are especially vulnerable, because they depend so much on big-ticket business travelers.
- 尤其是航空公司最易受到冲击,原因是它们太过依赖开支高的商务旅行者。
- 8. No one knows for sure how well cash and other big-ticket rewards work in education over the long haul.
- 没有人能够确切知道在长期范围内现金和高价奖品能够在对教育产生多大的作用。
- 9. While some big-ticket expenditures have skyrocketed, the relative cost of many necessities has dropped
- 尽管一些大额支出的费用在飙升,但是许多生活必需品的相对价格实际下降了。
- 10. He compares finding a potential partner to purchasing other "big-ticket items" such as a car or a house.
- 他觉得寻找未来伴侣可与购买汽车或房子等“大件商品”相比。
- 11. Until now, they've had to rely on TV cameras when they use the robot arm to move or install big-ticket items.
- 不过目前为止,当他们利用机械臂移动或安装大物件时,只能借助电视摄像机。
- 12. An hour ago he'd had another recheck, a big-ticket job that started backfiring 20 minutes after the customer left.
- 一个小时前,他刚做了一个返修。那是一个大单,可是顾客取了车离开,20分钟后就出了问题。
- 13. Among Carrier's early big-ticket customers were the U.S. Congress, the White House and New York's Madison Square Garden.
- 在Carrier早期的大牌客户中有美国国会、白宫、纽约的麦迪逊广场花园。
- 14. So for years to come, many more households will be firmly focused on saving, splashing out only occasionally on a big-ticket item.
- 因此,在接下来的许多年里,许多家庭将关注储蓄,高消费仅会在一些大宗商品上偶尔为之。
- 15. It depends on what they buy. While some big-ticket expenditures have skyrocketed, the relative cost of many necessities has dropped.
- 这取决于他们买些什么。尽管一些大额支出的费用在飙升,但是许多生活必需品的相对价格实际下降了。
- 16. They're gobbling up big-ticket items such as watches and leather goods and are giving extravagant gifts to colleagues and business partners.
- 他们贪婪地买入手表、皮具等昂贵奢侈品,并向同事和商业伙伴赠送豪华礼物。
- 17. The researchers found that men tend to covet big-ticket items that might not be within reach until later in life, such as a car or vacation home.
- 研究人员发现,男人更倾向于妄想高价消费,这可能直到以后的生活才能有能力消费,如一辆车或度假别墅。
- 18. Where will you get the most out of your haggling? Big-ticket items, says Tod Marks of consumer Reports, a nonprofit consumer product rating company.
- 什么东西最容易砍呢?当然是高价商品,这是非营利消费品调查公司的陶德·马克思的观点。
- 19. Oracle executives have voiced their interest in acquiring more hardware companies, and H.P. remains on the prowl, making some recent big-ticket purchases.
- 甲骨文公司的负责人已经表示出他们对收购更多硬件公司的兴趣,而惠普仍然在徘徊,做一些最近的大宗采购。
- 20. Nowadays the main pisions of the studios - Columbia, Paramount, Universal and the rest - specialize in big-ticket entertainment aimed at a global audience.
- 时至今日,电影制作公司的巨头—哥伦比亚、派拉蒙、环球及其他一些大公司—都在制作面向全球观众的票房大卖的娱乐片。
- 21. That means the easy way of devoting more resources to the frontline in Afghanistan - scrapping the big-ticket items that serve little real purpose - is closed off.
- 这就意味着,向阿富汗前线提供更多资源的简单办法就是取消这些实际意义不大的大牌项目。
- 22. One telltale sign: the new Millionaire Fair, where vendors come to show off big-ticket items like helicopters, jewel-encrusted pencils and baby bottles made of gold.
- 一个有力的论据就是,一次奢侈品展会中,展商展出了诸如直升飞机、镶钻的铅笔和黄金制成的奶瓶。
- 23. Supply disruptions associated with the Japanese earthquake boosted prices for cars and other durable goods, trimming purchases of big-ticket items, while petrol prices soared.
- 由于日本地震引起的供给中断推高了汽车及其他耐用品的价格,汽油价格飙高的时候也不得不削减对昂贵物品的购买。
- 24. No matter what you buy, shoes, pants or big-ticket items such as TV and VCR, if you find some problems with them or simply do not like them any longer, you can return them within 30 days.
- 不管你买什么,鞋子、裤子或者是电视和录像机这样的大件商品,如果你发现它们有问题,或只是不喜欢它们了,你都可以在30天内退掉它们。
- 25. But for big-ticket items, you usually require a direct sales force; for mid-range products, distributors or value-added resellers; and, for low-priced items, retail outlets or the Internet.
- 但是,对于高价物品来说,你需要一个直接的销售推动力;对于中档价位的产品,可采用特许经营商的方式;对于低价产品,可以通过折扣店或者网络销售。
- 26. The candidates, who had to have bought from a predetermined list of brands, or have spent a large amount on a big-ticket item like jewelry, were then categorized according to their net worth.
- 候选受访者必须是已经购买了麦肯锡预先列出的一个品牌名单中的商品,或者花了一大笔钱购买过珠宝等高价商品,然后麦肯锡再根据他们的净资产将其归类。
- 27. The candidates, who had to have bought from a predetermined list of brands, or have spent a large amount on a big-ticket item like jewelry, were then categorized according to their net worth.
- 候选受访者必须是已经购买了麦肯锡预先列出的一个品牌名单中的商品,或者花了一大笔钱购买过珠宝等高价商品,然后麦肯锡再根据他们的净资产将其归类。