- 1. He shook his head in bewilderment at the obduracy of this man.
- 这男人顽固不化,令他困惑不解、连连摇头。
- 2. During the confusion and bewilderment of the second day Mary hid herself in the nursery and was forgotten by everyone.
- 在混乱和慌张的第二天,玛丽躲在育儿室里,被大家遗忘了。
- 3. Much to the bewilderment of professional scientists, quasi-religious cults are being formed around such unlikely topics as quantum physics, space-time relativity, black holes and the big bang.
- 令专业水准的科学家十分困惑的是,准宗教崇拜正围绕量子物理学、时空相对论、黑洞和大爆炸等不太可能的话题而形成。
- 4. He goggled in bewilderment.
- 他瞪大了眼睛,很迷惑。
- 5. He shook his head in bewilderment.
- 他不解地摇了摇头。
- 6. Irena shook her head, but in bewilderment, not negation.
- 艾丽娜摇了摇头,是出于困惑,而非否定。
- 7. He wrote out his rage and bewilderment, which gradually became a form of catharsis leading to understanding.
- 他写出了自己的愤怒和疑惑,这些慢慢变成一种精神宣泄方式,最终导致了他的理解。
- 8. I looked down in bewilderment.
- 我困惑地朝下看。
- 9. She stared in bewilderment.
- 她糊涂了,瞪大了眼睛。
- 10. He had a moment's pity for her bewilderment.
- 她的迷惘使他产生了片刻的怜悯。
- 11. When the woman shook her head in bewilderment.
- 那个女售货员还是迷惑不解地摇了摇头。
- 12. Our explanation seemed only to add to his bewilderment.
- 我们的解释似乎只是增加了他的困惑。
- 13. All day long, Cosette remained in a sort of bewilderment.
- 一整天,珂赛特都处在如醉如痴的状态中。
- 14. Young Japanese, in particular, feel apathy and bewilderment.
- 日本年轻人对此特别漠然和迷惘。
- 15. This time the concierge was surprised to the point of bewilderment.
- 这时候看门人惊奇到了困惑不解的地步。
- 16. Unsurprisingly, the reaction he received from passers-by was one of complete bewilderment.
- 不出所料的是,当时与他擦身而过的人是多么的困惑。
- 17. Her first impression of Detroit is not one of excitement or hostility but of bewilderment.
- 她对底特律的第一印象不是兴奋或敌意,而是困惑。
- 18. IT IS a sullen parade of short, bitter stanzas, equal parts sadness, bewilderment, shame and rage.
- 这是一场短暂而惨淡的经历,惨痛的纷争,双方同样感到悲伤、迷茫、羞愧和愤怒。
- 19. Megan's mother Jane expresses bewilderment that her daughter should develop this illness at such a young age.
- 梅根的母亲简对她的女儿在这样小的年纪就得了这样的疾病感到困惑。
- 20. When we encounter bewilderment in life, why not think of some people doing something they do not like at all?
- 当我们面临生活的困惑时,何不想想那些别人不愿做的事?
- 21. Cosette turned toward him her beautiful eyes, all filled with anguish, and replied in a sort of bewilderment.
- 珂赛特把她两只凄惶欲绝的秀眼转过来望着他,不知所云地回答说。
- 22. We're in the state once described by that great scholar of cyberspace, Manuel Castells, as "informed bewilderment".
- 我们正陷于某种状态,用著名的信息学者曼努埃尔.卡斯特的描述来说,叫做“知情困惑”。
- 23. Received your latest letter today, and while it was just shy of coherence, I think I can see where your bewilderment lies.
- 今天收到了你的最新一封信,尽管还是写得离题万里,不过我想我看出了你的困惑所在。
- 24. After a moment's bewilderment, he realized that it was not a mirror, but a painting. Curious, he began to climb the stairs.
- 短暂的迷惑之后,他意识到那不是镜子,而是一幅画。出于好奇,他登上了楼梯。
- 25. If there are no signs of a recovery, tens of millions of people will experience a bewilderment which is entirely new to them.
- 如果没有复苏的迹象,数千万的美国人将经历一种对他们来说完全陌生的困惑。
- 26. When visitors do cross paths, the exchange is often marked with a knowing smile, a wry bewilderment. And also a sense of wonder.
- 参观者们穿行而过时,彼此交换的会心一笑,常常混杂着扭曲的迷惑和惊奇感。
- 27. Faced with what many decried as another example of Apple hubris, social networks lit up in a mix of bewilderment, outrage and parody.
- 面对许多人所谴责的苹果傲慢的又一个例证,社交网络迸发出大量交织着困惑、愤怒和搞笑的言论。
- 28. Whenever Mulan told me of anything she was learning about science, I'm sure I wore an expression of astonished bewilderment and surprise.
- 每当穆兰告诉我她在学的自然科学知识时,我确定,自己都是一脸茫然,困惑和惊讶。
- 29. Whenever Mulan told me of anything she was learning about science, I'm sure I wore an expression of astonished bewilderment and surprise.
- 每当穆兰告诉我她在学的自然科学知识时,我确定,自己都是一脸茫然,困惑和惊讶。