- 1. Do you have a better solution?
- 你有更好的解决办法吗?
- 2. Your work is very much better.
- 你的工作要好得多。
- 3. You'd be better going by bus.
- 你坐公共汽车去会更好些。
- 4. You'd better do some costings.
- 你最好作一些成本估算。
- 5. You'd better not do that again.
- 你最好别再这样做了。
- 6. People are better educated now.
- 现在人们教育程度更高了。
- 7. I'm feeling a lot better today.
- 我今天感觉好多了。
- 8. She felt a little better now.
- 这会儿她觉得好点儿了。
- 9. I'm feeling a good deal better.
- 我感觉好多了。
- 10. You'd better get cleaned up.
- 你最好去梳洗一下。
- 11. You'd better move smartish.
- 你最好快一些。
- 12. You'd better shoo him away.
- 你最好把他赶走。
- 13. I'd better start growing my hair.
- 我最好开始留头发。
- 14. Materially they are no better off.
- 他们的物质生活并没有改善。
- 15. I think I'd better go now.
- 我想我最好现在就走。
- 16. I'm better now, thank you.
- 我现在好些了,谢谢您。
- 17. Is your father feeling any better?
- 你的父亲身体好些了吗?
- 18. We'll be better prepared next time.
- 下次我们会准备得更充分。
- 19. She's a lot better today.
- 她今天好多了。
- 20. Some lines sell better than others.
- 有些品种的货物销售得好些,有些则较差。
- 21. You need to present yourself better.
- 你需要更善于展示自己。
- 22. We'd better take a taxi.
- 我们最好乘出租车。
- 23. She's much better today.
- 她今天好多了。
- 24. Some designs are better than others.
- 有一些设计比其他的好。
- 25. She'd look better with shorter hair.
- 她留短发会显得好看些。
- 26. She's feeling no better this morning.
- 她今天早晨还是不见好。
- 27. I'm glad (that) you're feeling better.
- 你感觉好些了我很高兴。
- 28. I'm feeling miles better today, thanks.
- 多谢,我今天感觉好多了。
- 29. We're hoping for better weather tomorrow.
- 我们希望明天天气转好。
- 30. Everyone agrees things are getting better.
- 大家都认为情况正在好转。