- 1. He tossed back his head in a howl of berserk laughter.
- 他摇晃着头一阵狂笑。
- 2. Climate patterns would go 5 berserk.
- 气候模式会变得难以预测。
- 3. The dog went berserk when a wasp stung him.
- 狗被黄蜂咬了,变得非常狂暴。
- 4. Think U. S. housing prices have gone berserk?
- 你觉得美国的房价已经涨疯了吗?
- 5. It looked like a fungal infection gone berserk.
- 它看起来就像疯狂的真菌感染。
- 6. If you are up for too long or fire too many rounds at once your heartbeat will go berserk.
- 如果你瞄的太久了或者是开次数太多了,你的心脏会狂跳。
- 7. When employees are armed with legal knowledge, a gun-toting boss will think twice before going berserk.
- 当工人学会用法律保护自己,那么那些拿着枪的老板在发飙之前总会三思一下的。
- 8. The U. S. Congress and the media will go berserk when Goldman announces the size of its 2009 bonus ool.
- 估计当高盛公布自己2009年的奖金规模时,美国国会和媒体又会气得抓狂。
- 9. The U. S. Congress and the media will go berserk when Goldman announces the size of its 2009 bonus pool.
- 估计当高盛公布本人2009年的奖金规模时,美国国会和媒体又会气得捕狂。
- 10. Last year berserk bargain-hunters in the suburbs of New York City trampled a Wal-Mart employee to death.
- 去年,纽约市郊沃尔玛超市的一名员 工因为顾客疯抢打折商品而被踩伤致死。
- 11. "When he saw his brother getting accosted by the policemen, he went berserk and he started firing," he said.
- “当他看到他的他的兄弟被捕,他就陷入了疯狂,于是开枪射击,”他说。
- 12. They take their son away to Princeton, apparently a party school, where Judy eats some pot and goes berserk.
- 他们把自己的儿子带到普林斯顿,一个明显是党校的地方,Judy在那里吃了几瓶什么东西,不慎得了狂暴症。
- 13. Given that they are already hard to root, snare, or polymorph, we think the fear immunity from Berserk is too much.
- 他们已经不会被绑,被诱捕或是被变形。我们认为凶暴带来的恐惧免疫有点过了。
- 14. Berserk - Gives the Troll Berserker faster movement and attack rate; however, they will also take more damage from attacks.
- 狂暴-给予巨魔狂战士更快的移动速度和攻击频率。不过,他们受到的攻击也会造成更多的伤害。
- 15. Berserk instantly clears all effects which cause loss of control of your character, and makes you immune to them for the duration. Lasts 20 SEC.
- 狂怒可以立即清除所有使你失控的效果,在此期间免疫一切失控技能,持续20秒。
- 16. "You could get yourself a weiner dog that goes berserk from oil, but weiner dogs go berserk about anything, so it would be hard to tell, " he joked.
- 他开玩笑说:“你可以找来一条对石油很敏感的腊肠犬,但它会对所有东西狂叫不停,所以还是很难找到根源。”
- 17. Unperturbed, some yaks and goats quietly graze, while a brutish dog goes berserk, tugging dementedly at a rope in an effort to get free and kill me.
- 一些牦牛和山羊则继续安静的吃草,而一只凶恶的狗发狂起来,疯狂的试图挣脱绳索杀死我。
- 18. "This is affirmative action gone berserk," Alito told his colleagues, adding that what they had done in the case was misguided and "is simply wrong."
- “这是平权行动的忘乎所以,”阿利托对同事们说。他称他们在受误导的情况下做出了“完全错误”的裁决。
- 19. He is less sanguine about the robots that are "specifically designed to hunt, track and kill humans" and about what might happen should they fall into the wrong hands or go berserk.
- 对于“专为捕猎,追踪和虐杀人类而设计”的机器人,以及假如这些机器人落入邪道之手、或者这些机器人本身失控狂暴化时将发生的事情,他表示并不乐观。
- 20. However, there is a small catch that if a unit is being told to attack a certain unit before the Rage Generator is activated, it will not start going berserk before the targeted unit is killed.
- 不过,有一点要注意,如果一个单位在愤怒生成器启动前已经锁定一个目标,在那个目标被消灭前,它不会受到影响变的狂暴。
- 21. However, there is a small catch that if a unit is being told to attack a certain unit before the Rage Generator is activated, it will not start going berserk before the targeted unit is killed.
- 不过,有一点要注意,如果一个单位在愤怒生成器启动前已经锁定一个目标,在那个目标被消灭前,它不会受到影响变的狂暴。