- 1. We live in the commuter belt.
- 我们住在通勤者居住带。
- 2. Was she wearing a seat belt?
- 她系着座椅安全带吗?
- 3. Murray is a judo black belt.
- 默里是一名黑带级柔道选手。
- 4. He holds a black belt in karate.
- 他在空手道中得了黑带。
- 5. Rolls of fat hung over his belt.
- 一堆肥肉坠在他的腰带上。
- 6. She's a black belt in judo.
- 她是柔道黑带高手。
- 7. He was also a black belt in judo.
- 他还是一名柔道黑带。
- 8. He unbuckled his seat belt.
- 他松开了他的安全带搭扣。
- 9. His gut sagged out over his belt.
- 他的肚腩垂在腰带上。
- 10. A set of keys swung from her belt.
- 她腰带上挂着的一串钥匙摆来摆去。
- 11. His big fat belly overhung his belt.
- 他那硕大肥胖的肚子挺在腰带上面。
- 12. She tightened her belt an extra notch.
- 她将腰带又束紧了一格。
- 13. She buckled her belt.
- 她扣上了腰带。
- 14. He wore a belt with a large brass buckle.
- 他系着一条缀有一颗大铜扣的皮带。
- 15. New roads are cutting into the green belt.
- 一条条新路在逐渐吞噬着绿化地带。
- 16. I opened my coat and let him see the belt.
- 我解开外套,让他看了看腰带。
- 17. The car seat belt slotted into place easily.
- 那个汽车安全带很容易就扣好了。
- 18. She fastened the belt loosely around her waist.
- 她把皮带松松地系在腰上。
- 19. The fact I was wearing a seat belt saved my life.
- 我系着安全带,幸免于难。
- 20. He pierced another hole in his belt with his knife.
- 他用刀子在皮腰带上又扎了一个洞。
- 21. He clipped his safety belt to a fitting on the deck.
- 他把安全带扣在甲板的一个固定拴上。
- 22. The white belt signifies that he's an absolute beginner.
- 白腰带表示他完全是个新手。
- 23. She got quickly into her Mini and fastened the seat-belt.
- 她迅速钻进她的迷你车并系好安全带。
- 24. Children must use an approved child restraint or adult seat belt.
- 儿童必须使用经过认可的儿童安全带或成人座椅安全带。
- 25. A door slammed in the house and a man came out buckling his belt.
- 屋子里门砰地关上了,一名男子一边扣着皮带一边走了出来。
- 26. The turning disc is connected by a drive belt to an electric motor.
- 转盘与电动马达之间由一条输送带连接。
- 27. The damp bricks went along a conveyor belt into another shed to dry.
- 潮湿的砖块沿着传送带进入另一个棚子进行干燥。
- 28. The caretaker, a bundle of keys hanging from his belt, was standing at the door.
- 这位管理员正站在门口,腰带上挂着一串钥匙。
- 29. Despite the fact that she was wearing a seat belt, she was thrown sharply forward.
- 尽管她系了安全带,还是被猛然前抛。
- 30. Clearly, if you are spending more than your income, you'll need to tighten your belt.
- 很显然,如果你现在花钱就入不敷出,以后就不得不勒紧腰带了。