- 1. The movie is being shown now.
- 这部影片目前正在上映。
- 2. Our cat hates being handled.
- 我们的猫不喜欢被人摸弄。
- 3. I hate being photographed.
- 我讨厌被拍照。
- 4. Man is a sentient being.
- 人是有感觉的生物。
- 5. They knew they risked being arrested.
- 他们知道自己冒着被捕的危险。
- 6. He can't endure being defeated.
- 他无法忍受失败。
- 7. He just hates being housebound.
- 他只是痛恨出不了门。
- 8. I think we're being followed.
- 我认为有人跟踪我们。
- 9. Sorry, I was being frivolous.
- 对不起,我失态了。
- 10. We came near to being killed.
- 我们差点丢了性命。
- 11. She feels she's being got at.
- 她感到自己总是受人数落。
- 12. He can't bear being laughed at.
- 他无法忍受遭人嘲笑。
- 13. Are you being square with me?
- 你对我是以诚相待吗?
- 14. You have no business being here.
- 你无权待在这里。
- 15. I'm always being criticized.
- 我总是受到批评。
- 16. Rebel troops were being rearmed.
- 叛军在进行重新装备。
- 17. The cat loves being stroked.
- 这猫喜欢别人抚摩。
- 18. The house was still being built.
- 房子还在建造中。
- 19. You're just being paranoid.
- 你只是在疑神疑鬼。
- 20. He narrowly escaped being killed.
- 他险些丧命。
- 21. Girls, you're being very naughty.
- 姑娘们,你们太调皮了。
- 22. She accused him of being elitist.
- 她指责他自以为高人一等。
- 23. Are you being deliberately obtuse?
- 你是不是故意装傻?
- 24. He accused her of being vindictive.
- 他指责她存心报复。
- 25. I admit to being congenitally lazy.
- 我承认我天生懒惰。
- 26. They were playing at being cowboys.
- 他们装扮成牛仔玩。
- 27. You're being irrational.
- 你不可理喻。
- 28. I'm not being boastful.
- 我不是在自夸。
- 29. She was accused of being blasphemous.
- 她被指亵渎神明。
- 30. She couldn't stand being kept waiting.
- 叫她等着,她会受不了。