- 1. He looked weary and bedraggled.
- 他看上去精疲力尽,又湿又脏。
- 2. They were bedraggled and unarmed.
- 他们满身泥污且并未携带武器。
- 3. The tents looked very bedraggled after the storm.
- 暴风雨过后帐篷又湿又脏。
- 4. Billy came to school in soiled, bedraggled hand-me downs.
- 比利上学穿的是肮脏破旧的衣服。
- 5. The little wretches were all bedraggled from some roguery.
- 小淘气们由于恶作剧而弄得脏乎乎的。
- 6. She was just another poor, bedraggled woman, struggling to feed her family.
- 她,又一个贫穷、凄惨、为生计苦苦奔波的女人。
- 7. Miss Thompson's door was open, and they saw her in a bedraggled dressing -gone.
- 汤姆小姐们的开着,他们看见她穿着一件邋里邋遢的睡衣在煎锅炒菜。
- 8. The beggar's bedraggled clothes; scarecrows in battered hats or draggled skirts.
- 乞丐那浑身泥污的衣服;带着破帽子或者穿着脏透了的裙子的稻草人。
- 9. Pity Georgia's bedraggled first infantry brigade. And its second. And its hapless navy.
- 同情乔治亚被打爆的第一步兵旅。还有第二。跟他不幸的海军。
- 10. I must have looked bedraggled because the owner promptly gave me two free glasses of schnapps.
- 我的样子一定狼狈不堪,因为老板二话不说,立马给了我两杯免费的杜松子酒。
- 11. A poor bedraggled figure, strangely attired, wetter than an otter in a washing machine, and hitching.
- 一个满身泥泞的,倒霉催的黑影,穿着怪异,淋得比一只洗衣机里的水獭还要湿。
- 12. Miss Thompson's door was open, and they saw her in a bedraggled dressing-gone, cooking something in a frying-pan.
- 汤姆逊小姐的门开着,他们看见她穿着一件邋里邋遢的睡衣在煎锅里炒菜。
- 13. She was soaked and her hair dishevelled clung damply to her head and hung down her shoulders in bedraggled wisps.
- 她浑身湿透,披头散发,东一绺,西一绺地贴在头上,搭在肩上。
- 14. Shortly after Mr Ouattara's departure, a bedraggled string of them are led out across the hall to the lavatories.
- 在瓦塔拉先生离开不久后,他们这群全身湿透的人被带出门厅到了厕所里。
- 15. A second picture, that of the bedraggled guerrilla's corpse, staring wideeyed at the camera, provides another clue.
- 另外一张照片展示了这位游击队员满身污泥的尸首,眼睛睁大望着镜头。 这张照片提供了其他的线索。
- 16. A second picture, that of the bedraggled guerrilla's corpse, staring wide-eyed at the camera, provides another clue.
- 第二幅图片,是被拖脏的游击队员格瓦拉的尸体,睁大眼睛盯着相机,提供了另一条线索。
- 17. Suddenly the door bursts open and the Time Traveler appears, dirty, disheveled, and bedraggled, with a nasty cut on his chin.
- 突然,门猛然开了,时间旅行家出现。他十分肮脏,衣冠不整,满身是泥,下巴颏被严重划伤。
- 18. "Well, let her have it, " he said. "I won't bother her. " It was the grim resolution of a bent, bedraggled, but unbroken pride.
- “好哇,让她自己享受去吧,”他说,“我不会打扰她的。”这是一颗被压弯、玷污,但还没有被压碎的自尊心坚强地下的决心。
- 19. Shortly after Mr Ouattara's departure, a bedraggled string of them are led out across the hall to the lavatories. Many are women.
- 在奥阿塔拉离开后不久,一大群满身污泥的人从会堂被赶到了厕所,其中大部分是妇女。
- 20. Almost everyone else in her family was gone; she ended up with other bedraggled survivors in the beached hull of a wrecked steamer.
- 她家里的所有人几乎都遇难了;最后她和其他满身污泥的幸存者们上了海滩边一艘残损的汽船。
- 21. Despite his better instincts he eventually decides to save this bedraggled and presumably drunk, young lady by putting her in a cab.
- 出于好意,他最后决定把这位脏兮兮,似醉非醉的年轻小姐带上的士。
- 22. But incredibly TWO years later she found her bedraggled, starving pet waiting on her doorstep when she returned to her home in Liska, Russia.
- 但让人难以置信的是,两年后的一天,当她回到她在俄罗斯利斯卡的家时,她发现这只小猫咪在门阶那儿等她,脏兮兮的,快要饿死了。
- 23. Perhaps the jovial taxi driver who told you that you were looking really gorgeous when you were feeling bedraggled after a five time zone flight.
- 或许是当你浑身脏兮兮的刚坐完5个时区的飞机之后,一位快乐的出租车司机告诉你你看起来感觉真的很棒。
- 24. Often as young as 4 or 5, they stand bedraggled at the bends, using flattened green Sprite bottles as flags, waving the drivers through when the way is clear.
- 他们通常4、5岁,脏兮兮的站在道路转弯处,用压扁了的绿色雪碧瓶子当信号旗,当道路通畅后,左右挥舞告诉司机通行。
- 25. A passerby in Melbourne, Australia, certainly did, offering an Aussie dollar to the bedraggled man crouching by the stage door of the Comedy Theatre in 2010.
- 澳大利亚墨尔本的一个路人确实施舍了他一些钱。那是2010年,他见这个衣衫褴褛的乞丐蜷缩在喜剧剧院后台入口,便给了他一澳元。
- 26. A passerby in Melbourne, Australia, certainly did, offering an Aussie dollar to the bedraggled man crouching by the stage door of the Comedy Theatre in 2010.
- 澳大利亚墨尔本的一个路人确实施舍了他一些钱。那是2010年,他见这个衣衫褴褛的乞丐蜷缩在喜剧剧院后台入口,便给了他一澳元。