- 1. To stop himself going "completely mad" in his London bed-sit, Farrell bred giant silk moths in a cage.
- 为了避免自己在伦敦的卧室兼起居室里“彻底疯掉”,法雷尔在笼子里喂养大蚕蛾。
- 2. Dale could sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon.
- 戴尔每天下午都能在床上起来坐一个小时。
- 3. Please go and sit down while I take her to bed.
- 我带她去睡觉的时候,请去坐着歇歇。
- 4. Some simply sit up or stand in bed or act like they're awake when, in fact, they're asleep!
- 有些人只是从床上坐起或站起,或者行为举止像是醒着,而实际上他们是睡着的!
- 5. Some only sit up or get out of bed or act like how they often do during the day when they are sleeping!
- 有些人只坐起来或下床,或像他们白天睡觉时经常做的那样!
- 6. When nurses once placed the cat on the bed of a patient they thought close to death, Oscar "charged out" and went to sit beside someone in another room.
- 一次医护人员以为一位病人快要去世了,就把奥斯卡放到这位病人的床上。奥斯卡挣脱了跑去坐在了另一个房间的一位病人旁边。
- 7. Two nights later, I sit up in bed at 3am and write the entire synopsis of my second book down, without worrying about whether it will get published.
- 第三个晚上,半夜3点钟,我坐在床上完完整整地写下了第二本书的大纲,不再去担心它是否会出版。
- 8. His roommate was allowed to sit up in bed because some medical instruments would take some liquid out of his lung every afternoon.
- 同室病友在治疗中,每天下午,将有仪器从他肺中抽取液体,因此,他被允许坐在床上。
- 9. What made Madeleine sit up in bed was something closer to the reason she read books in the first place and had always loved them.
- 真正让玛德琳在床上坐起来的原因,正是她当初之所以读书,并始终爱书的最根本原因。
- 10. We have all brought our sleeping bags, but we pile them against one walland sit on Mary Christina’s bed and on the floor.
- 我们每个人都带了睡袋来,但我们都把它们仍在墙角,然后要么坐在玛丽克里斯蒂娜的床上或者是直接坐在地上。
- 11. After a while, he would jump onto my mother's bed and sit beside her.
- 过一会儿,它还会跳到母亲的病床上,紧靠她坐着。
- 12. A partially immobilized or weak client will require nursing assistance to sit up in bed.
- 局部固定或体弱病人在床上坐起时需要护理协助。
- 13. This book says parents should spend quality time with their kids every day, and not just sit in the same room watching TV with them before sending them to bed.
- 这本书说父母应该跟自己的孩子每天渡过珍贵的时光,而不是跟孩子一起看电视然后哄孩子们睡觉。
- 14. And come back here and sit on the bed. We'll have a talk.
- 你把这件穿上,把你的衣服拿进去,浸在浴缸里,然后回来坐到床上,我们来聊聊天。
- 15. You don't have to jump out of bed (unless your alarm clock is on the other side of the room) but you do need to sit up in bed as soon as you wake up.
- 你不必立马起床(除非闹钟在房间的另一边),但醒后你得尽快坐起来。
- 16. Vicki was asked where she would like to sit and she chose the bed.
- 护理员问她想坐在哪里,她选择了床铺。
- 17. They must sit all day on their bed, with rules dictating even their postures, and may not look their guards in the eye.
- 他们必须整天坐在床上,甚至坐姿也受到管制,而且不得直视警卫。
- 18. One by one they arrived to sit on my father’s bed – my brother, my aunt, and finally my sister.
- 家人陆续来到父亲床前——哥哥、姑姑,姐姐最后赶到。
- 19. You'll spend an unmentionable number of hours, and sit up late at night coding when you really should go to bed.
- 你将会花费难以数清的时间,并且,还要做在电脑前面编码到很晚,直到你不得不睡觉为止。
- 20. How many people are likely to go home after a day of work and sit down to hours of frustration before bed?
- 有多少人有可能在结束了一天的工作回到家,从坐下到睡觉前的数小时是懊恼的?
- 21. I sit on the same couch, watch the same TV, sleep in the same bed.
- 现在我又坐在熟悉的沙发,看熟悉的电视,睡同样的床。
- 22. After he leaves, the bed beautifully constructed, but not tested, I sit on it and have a drink, feeling very stupid and guilty for a while.
- 他离开了,床安装得很美,但却没有测试过,我在床上坐了一会儿,一边喝酒,一边感到非常愚蠢和内疚。
- 23. They may sit idly for hours, and stop eating, bathing, going out — even getting out of bed.
- 他们也许会无所事事的坐上几个小时,不吃饭,不洗澡,也不外出—甚至不睡觉。
- 24. Dad would sit by the bed and start reciting the alphabet.
- 父亲坐在母亲的病床边,开始读字母表。
- 25. Your eyes slowly open. You sit up in bed and silently meditate over your dream.
- 你慢慢的睁开眼睛,坐起来安静的回想着刚才的梦。
- 26. She goes to bed at 7 p.m. while I sit in the basement with Matthew for, inevitably, 5 hours of crying.
- 她晚上7点钟上床睡觉,我就和马修在地下室,而他必定是要哭上5个小时的。
- 27. Once the long slog toward bedtime was over and my two children scrubbed clean and in bed, I would sit on the couch and ache for grown-up company.
- 漫漫长夜过去,为两个孩子洗涮干净,整理好被褥之后,我就会坐在沙发上,为如何才能把孩子们拉扯大而发愁。
- 28. Ten to fifteen minutes before going to bed find a quiet, uncluttered, and comfortable room and sit in a comfortable chair with a high back.
- 睡前十至十五分钟可以在安静舒适的房间里,坐在高背椅上躺一会儿,舒展一下筋骨。
- 29. To be able to sit by the bed of another, watching him sleep, waiting for nothing else, is to understand where else we might be.
- 坐在别人的床边,注视着他入眠,别无所求,就可以理解我们可能在的别处。
- 30. To be able to sit by the bed of another, watching him sleep, waiting for nothing else, is to understand where else we might be.
- 坐在别人的床边,注视着他入眠,别无所求,就可以理解我们可能在的别处。