- 1. The rain beat against the windows.
- 雨点击打着窗户。
- 2. She tapped out the beat on the table.
- 她轻击桌面打着拍子。
- 3. Then they actually beat her up as well.
- 然后他们事实上也毒打了她一顿。
- 4. He beat the rugs and polished the silver.
- 他拍打了地毯,擦亮了银器。
- 5. He and the other goon began to beat me up.
- 他和另外那个打手就开始殴打我。
- 6. She beat off a challenge to her leadership.
- 她战胜了对她的领导地位的挑战。
- 7. Go for it , John! You know you can beat him.
- 努力争取吧,约翰!你知道你是可以打败他的。
- 8. My wife tried to stop them and they beat her.
- 我妻子试图阻止他们,他们就猛打她。
- 9. He beat on the door with the flat of his hand.
- 他用手掌打门。
- 10. Sam boasted that she could beat anyone at poker.
- 萨姆吹嘘说打扑克牌谁都赢不了她。
- 11. He was as eager as his Captain to beat the record.
- 他和他的队长一样渴望打破纪录。
- 12. He beat Thomas Muster of Austria three sets to love.
- 他以3比0战胜了奥地利的托马斯·穆斯特。
- 13. Mitchell beat Lewis by three-hundredths of a second.
- 米切尔以0.03秒的优势打败了刘易斯。
- 14. She beat the other runners by a margin of ten seconds.
- 她以领先十秒的优势战胜了其他赛跑者。
- 15. You can't beat Italian shoes.
- 意大利鞋是无与伦比的。
- 16. She beat time with her fingers.
- 她用手指打拍子。
- 17. I beat down the price to $6 000.
- 我把价杀到了6 000元。
- 18. Her brother beat her out of $200.
- 她哥哥骗走了她200元。
- 19. This is private land, so beat it!
- 这里是私人土地,滚开!
- 20. She beat me to the top of the hill.
- 她比我先到达山顶。
- 21. Hailstones beat against the window.
- 冰雹不断地砸在窗户上。
- 22. The sun beat down on his bald pate.
- 灼热的阳光直射到他那光光的秃顶上。
- 23. He could hear the beat of his heart.
- 他能听到自己的心跳。
- 24. We beat the flames out.
- 我们把火扑打灭了。
- 25. The conductor beat time with a baton.
- 指挥用指挥棒打拍子。
- 26. Her heart beat faster.
- 她的心跳加快。
- 27. My heart started to beat more quickly.
- 我的心跳开始加快。
- 28. When you beat the drum, you feel good.
- 当你击鼓时,你感觉良好。
- 29. My heart started to beat much quicker.
- 我的心跳开始加快。
- 30. He beat me at chess.
- 他下棋赢了我。