- 1. I usually soak the beans overnight.
- 我通常把豆子泡一夜。
- 2. She slopped some beans onto a plate.
- 她往盘子里倒了一些豆子。
- 3. I can't eat beans—they give me wind.
- 我不能吃豆子,吃了肚子就胀气。
- 4. The people cultivate mainly rice and beans.
- 这里的人们主要种植稻子和豆类。
- 5. It only takes a few days for beans to sprout.
- 豆子只需几天就会发芽。
- 6. My two sons share a favourite food – pinto beans.
- 我的两个儿子分享一份最爱的食物-花豆。
- 7. I braised some beans to accompany a shoulder of lamb.
- 我炖了些豆子,作为羊肩肉的配菜。
- 8. Canned varieties of beans and peas are a good standby.
- 各种豆类罐装食品是很好的备用食品。
- 9. The diet was frugal: cheese and water, rice and beans.
- 饮食很俭省:奶酪和水,米饭和豆类。
- 10. Cooked kidney beans can be used in place of French beans.
- 做熟的四季豆可以用来代替菜豆。
- 11. Enormous acreages of soy beans are grown in the United States.
- 在美国种植有大面积的大豆。
- 12. Peas, beans and lentils are a good source of vegetable protein.
- 豌豆、豆荚和扁豆是植物蛋白质的大好来源。
- 13. The beans are then ground and packaged for sale as ground coffee.
- 咖啡豆接着被磨碎、包装,以研磨咖啡销售。
- 14. Nutmeg, parsley and cider all complement the flavour of these beans well.
- 肉豆蔻、欧芹和苹果酒都凸显这些菜豆的味道。
- 15. Young haricot beans have a tender texture and a delicate, subtle flavour.
- 嫩扁豆肉质细嫩,味道清淡可口。
- 16. We planted beans and peas in the field.
- 我们在田里种上了豆子和豌豆。
- 17. Cassie was sure they would be unbeatable beans.
- 卡西确信它们会是不可战胜的豆子。
- 18. We only buy organic produce, beans, grains and dairy.
- 我们只买有机农产品、豆类、谷物和奶制品。
- 19. They abandoned the attempt to roast coffee beans in space.
- 他们放弃了在太空中烘焙咖啡豆的尝试。
- 20. Their beans had wonderful names like "Rocket" or "Top Crop".
- 他们的豆子有很棒的名字,像“火箭”或“顶级作物”。
- 21. Usually, it is porridge or beans; they have meat once a year.
- 通常是粥或豆子;他们一年吃上一次肉。
- 22. The production of coffee beans is a huge, profitable business.
- 咖啡豆的生产是一项庞大且有利可图的业务。
- 23. They charged a high price for their space-roasted coffee beans.
- 他们的太空烘焙咖啡豆要价很高。
- 24. The farmers usually catch the chance to plant rice, corn and beans.
- 农民们通常会抓住机会种植水稻、玉米和豆类。
- 25. Taco shells are made from corn tortillas and filled with beans or meals.
- 墨西哥卷饼的外壳是由玉米玉米饼制成的,里面填满豆子或燕麦粉。
- 26. Her grandmother planted the beans every year and served them at many meals.
- 她的祖母每年都种这种豆子,并经常烧它们吃。
- 27. Each of us chose from the many pots of tomato juice, green beans and jelly.
- 我们每个人都从许多罐番茄汁、青豆和果冻中挑选。
- 28. The professor invited the students to count how many beans the jar contained.
- 教授邀请学生们来数一下罐子里装了多少颗豆子。
- 29. If you don't like a particular kind of big beans, you can go and buy another.
- 如果你不喜欢某一种大豆,你可以去买另一种。
- 30. We eat fish, meat and beans because the nutrient in them is good for our muscles.
- 我们吃鱼、肉和豆类,因为它们中的营养物质对我们的肌肉有好处。