- 1. It's a bastard of a problem.
- 那是个挺麻烦的问题。
- 2. You bastard! You've made her cry.
- 你这个浑蛋!你把她弄哭了。
- 3. He's a real bastard.
- 他是个十足的恶棍。
- 4. I happen to like the little bastard too.
- 我恰好也喜欢那个小家伙。
- 5. And some sniper, bastard, started shooting.
- 然后一些兔崽子狙击手就开始射击我们。
- 6. Cheer up the old bastard. - Is it true what they say then?
- 让老混蛋高兴高兴-他们说的都是真的吗?
- 7. History records the name of royal bastard but cannot tell us the origin of wheat.
- 历史记载了不少私生龙子龙孙的大名,却不能告诉我们小麦的起源。
- 8. Bastard! Is I it what to ask to hand over to a waitress that letter that is what person?
- 混蛋!我是问交给女服务生那封信的是什么人?
- 9. When I had that realization, I felt sorry for the little bastard and what we were about to do to him.
- 当我意识到这一点的时候,我对这个小家伙产生了一丝怜悯,同时也对我们的所作所为感到了些许抱歉。
- 10. Response to a friend who had been worried about his whereabouts: An old bastard like me doesn't die so easily.
- 对一直在担心他下落的一位朋友的回应:像我这样的老混蛋可没那么容易挂掉。
- 11. This is Mrs. Three plum home an w. connor, was two young master MeiXianYu plum home this is w. connor bastard.
- 梅家三太太本就私通马戎,所生梅家二少爷梅贤玉本就是马戎的私生子。
- 12. They are seen as little better than animals, their faces branded at birth to mark them as the bastard children of the kingdom.
- 他们获得的仅仅是比动物稍好一点的对待,他们的脸上自出生之时就被打上烙印,来标识他们是王国中坏蛋们的孩子。
- 13. We sank the bastard. "This was the message left by the anonymous activists who scuttled the Norwegian whaling ship the Skarbakk last month."
- 这是由一群匿名的积极分子留下的留言,他们上一个月使得挪威捕鲸船斯卡巴克号(Skarbakk)沉没了。
- 14. Although it is a better fantasy than a comedy, this movie never fully embraces either side of the dramatic types and ends up a bastard of mixed blood.
- 虽然这是一部比喜剧更好的幻想剧,但这部电影没有充分具备前者或后者的戏剧的特点,结果成了一个混血儿。
- 15. In the paper a comparative analysis of the skulls of Bastard halibut ( Paralichthys olivaceus) and Pacific halibut ( Hippoglossus stenolepis ) are studied.
- 文中对褐牙鲆和狭鳞庸鲽的头颅骨骼进行了比较研究。
- 16. Like these "bastard pop" songs, a mashup is an unusual or innovative composition of content (often from unrelated data sources), made for human (rather than computerized) consumption.
- 与那些“bastardpop”歌曲类似,mashup也是内容的一种不常见的创新组合(通常都源自于无关的数据源),这都是人工进行合成的(而不是通过计算机来合成的)。
- 17. Like these "bastard pop" songs, a mashup is an unusual or innovative composition of content (often from unrelated data sources), made for human (rather than computerized) consumption.
- 与那些“bastardpop”歌曲类似,mashup也是内容的一种不常见的创新组合(通常都源自于无关的数据源),这都是人工进行合成的(而不是通过计算机来合成的)。