- 1. His words were barely audible.
- 他的话勉强听得见。
- 2. The music was barely audible.
- 音乐声勉强能听见。
- 3. She was barely able to stand.
- 她勉强能站立。
- 4. He could barely afford the fare.
- 他几乎付不起车费。
- 5. He barely registered our presence.
- 他几乎没有注意到我们在场。
- 6. The Colonel's voice was barely audible.
- 上校的声音几乎听不见。
- 7. Her foreign accent was barely perceptible.
- 她的外国口音几乎听不出来。
- 8. The flashlights barely penetrated the gloom.
- 手电筒勉强照见那幽暗处。
- 9. Tim could barely conceal his disappointment.
- 蒂姆几乎掩饰不住自己的失望。
- 10. Her voice was barely audible above the noise.
- 一片嘈杂,她的声音只能勉强听得见。
- 11. Pasternak gave him a barely perceptible smile.
- 帕斯特纳克给了他一个几乎无法察觉的微笑。
- 12. I could barely hear above the roar of traffic.
- 过往车辆的轰鸣声使我几乎什么也听不见。
- 13. The payments he gets barely cover his expenses.
- 他几乎是入不敷出。
- 14. The noise is barely detectable by the human ear.
- 这种噪音人的耳朵几乎是察觉不到的。
- 15. He spoke abruptly, in barely comprehensible Arabic.
- 他突然开始说话,说的是几乎没人能听懂的阿拉伯语。
- 16. He was barely able to drag his poisoned leg behind him.
- 他勉强拖着中了毒的腿向前走。
- 17. Anastasia could barely remember the ride to the hospital.
- 阿纳斯塔西娅只勉强记得被送到了医院。
- 18. He was a poor student, barely scraping through his final year.
- 他是个差生,仅勉强修完最后一年。
- 19. She was barely able to stammer out a description of her attacker.
- 她只能勉强结结巴巴地说一说袭击她的人是什么模样。
- 20. It was 90 degrees and the air conditioning barely cooled the room.
- 气温是90度,空调几乎没有使房间凉快下来。
- 21. The letter was handwritten, in a hasty, barely decipherable scrawl.
- 这封信是手写的,字迹潦草,几乎无法辨认。
- 22. Her income was barely enough to maintain one child, let alone three.
- 她的收入养活一个孩子几乎都不够,更不用说三个了。
- 23. There was barely any smell.
- 几乎没有什么气味。
- 24. The show barely covered its costs.
- 这场演出勉强够本。
- 25. Barely 50% of the population voted.
- 仅有50%的人投票。
- 26. They arrived barely a minute later.
- 过了不到一分钟他们就到了。
- 27. I barely recognized her.
- 我几乎认不出她了。
- 28. She barely acknowledged his presence.
- 她只略微向他打了个招呼。
- 29. There followed a barely audible burp.
- 之后有一声很轻的饱嗝。
- 30. I was barely existing.
- 我几乎活不下去了。