- 1. 'Bear' and 'bare' are homophonous.
- bear和bare是同音异形词。
- 2. The floor was draughty bare boards.
- 地板是有缝隙的裸板。
- 3. The hills above the valley are bare rock.
- 河谷上面的山是光秃秃的岩石。
- 4. Bare wires were sticking out of the cable.
- 电缆露出了裸线。
- 5. I got in the habit of going around with bare feet.
- 我养成了打赤脚的习惯。
- 6. You could see bare wood where the paint had flaked off.
- 油漆剥落处可以看见光秃秃的木头。
- 7. The bare metal was sprayed with several coats of primer.
- 裸露的金属被喷了几层底漆。
- 8. He had ripped up the carpet, leaving only the bare boards.
- 他用力扯去了地毯,只剩下裸露的地板。
- 9. The coffin lying before the altar was bare, except for a single wreath of white roses.
- 摆在圣坛前的棺材上光秃秃的,只有一个白玫瑰花圈。
- 10. The flower-bed was not quite bare.
- 花坛并非完全光秃秃的。
- 11. There was a bit of bare trunk showing in the middle.
- 中间有几棵光秃秃的树干。
- 12. How can he when it's such a great, bare, dreary place?
- 那地方那么大,那么光秃秃的,那么可怕,他怎么会喜欢呢?
- 13. Walking around with bare feet is actually better for your feet.
- 赤脚走路实际上对脚更好。
- 14. The fridge was completely bare.
- 电冰箱里什么也没有。
- 15. The room was bare and empty.
- 房间空荡荡的。
- 16. Thieves had stripped the house bare.
- 窃贼把房子劫掠一空。
- 17. She likes to walk around in bare feet.
- 她喜欢光着脚走来走去。
- 18. The walls were bare except for a clock.
- 墙上除了一只挂钟什么也没有。
- 19. He tore at the meat with his bare hands.
- 他只凭两只手就要把肉撕碎。
- 20. He throttled the guard with his bare hands.
- 他徒手掐死了卫兵。
- 21. My bare feet were soundless over the carpet.
- 我光脚踩在地毯上没有声音。
- 22. She gave me only the bare facts of the case.
- 她只给我介绍了这个案件的一些基本情况。
- 23. He was capable of killing a man with his bare hands.
- 他赤手空拳就能取人性命。
- 24. They are seeking more funds but the cupboard is bare.
- 他们正在寻求更多的资金,然而根本找不到。
- 25. Every aspect of their private lives has been laid bare.
- 他们的私生活全面曝光了。
- 26. The room remains simple with bare, stippled green walls.
- 房间仍然很简朴,四面都是饰有圆点的绿色空墙。
- 27. We only had the bare essentials in the way of equipment.
- 我们只有最基本的设备。
- 28. The family was short of even the bare necessities of life.
- 那家人甚至没有最起码的生活所需。
- 29. She ran up the stairs, her bare feet thudding on the wood.
- 她跑上楼梯,光脚在木头上发出噔噔的声音。
- 30. He did the bare minimum of work but still passed the exam.
- 他只花了最少的工夫,却仍然通过了考试。