- 1. It automatically generated a packing and address slip and several bar-code labels.
- 电脑自动生成了一张包装和地址的纸条,还有几张条形码标签。
- 2. Image and bar-code scanning does appear to benefit from decent lighting and images and bar codes not being held at off angles.
- 图片及条形码扫描技术在扫描进行时,需要足够的光线。
- 3. On the back of the card, a 2d bar-code along with a regular one and a magnetic stripe triplicate all the information on the front.
- 在卡背面,2d条形码,普通码和磁条将所有信息三重储存在卡正面。
- 4. It also overcomes bar-code switching, in which would-be thieves remove the original bar-code and replace it with that of a cheaper item.
- 作案者往往通过漏扫商品或键入错误单价的方法作案,他们也能绕过条码转换装置,小偷们往往将原有的条码撕掉,而换上一件便宜商品的条码。
- 5. This has to match another encrypted key that is generated from a string of data scanned into the system from the optical bar-code printed in the passport.
- 这一密钥须同另一个密钥相匹配,后者是由印刷在护照上的条形码扫描入系统后生成的。
- 6. Unlike previous ones, the e-passports contain biometric data embedded in a radio-frequency identification (RFID) chip, along with the usual mugshot and optical bar-code.
- 跟上一代不同,电子护照除了包含照片及光感条码之外,还记有生物体征数据,植在无线电频率识别(RFID)芯片上。
- 7. Some scientists suspect that the collagen comes from bacteria rather than dinosaurs, but others are investigating collagen as a way to bar-code scraps of unidentifiable bone.
- 一些科学家怀疑这些胶原蛋白来自细菌,而不是恐龙,但其他一些科学家仍把研究胶原蛋白作为了解条码碎片——无法辨别的骨头的方式。
- 8. To avoid such errors in the new study, they tagged each Neanderthal DNA strand with a unique molecular bar-code, to distinguish it biochemically from any extraneous genetic material.
- 因此在新的研究中,为避免再出现这种错误,他们将每一条尼安德特人的DNA都标记出来,以区别于所有外来的遗传物质。
- 9. The Universal Product Code symbol, also known as the 'bar code', is printed on products for sale and contains information that a computer can read.
- 通用产品代码符号,亦称“条形码”,印在出售的商品上,其中含有计算机能识别的信息。
- 10. When you cross the finish line you'll be given a bar code and you take this to one of the run volunteers, who will scan it.
- 当你冲过终点线时会得到一个条形码,你把它交给其中一个赛跑志愿者,他会扫描这个条形码。
- 11. The institute is considering creating a digital version using a form of bar code.
- 该机构正在考虑制造一种使用条形码格式的数字化版本。
- 12. At one extreme, for instance, the benefits to society include the bar code, IBM's version of which became the standard.
- 举一个极端的例子,对社会的贡献包括条形码,IBM的条形码后来成为标准。
- 13. The first product to have a bar code was Wrigleys gum.
- 世界上最早有条形码标记的商品是箭牌香口胶。
- 14. Waving the camera eye of a smartphone over the bar code of a manufactured product reveals its price, origins and even relevant comments by other owners.
- 智能手机的摄像头轻轻划过产品的条形码,该商品的价格、产地以至于别的用户对之发表的评价便一览无遗。
- 15. While shopping, he finds an item he wants, snaps a picture of the bar code with his cell phone, and places the item in his cart.
- 在购物时,他发现了需要的商品,使用移动电话拍摄了条形码图形,并将商品放在购物车中。
- 16. The picture of the bar code is analyzed, then the UPC is determined by the phone's software and forwarded to the store's server for product lookup and price.
- 电话的软件对条形码图形进行分析,然后确定UPC,并将UPC转发到商店的服务器,以进行产品查找和确定价格。
- 17. If a number, it is sent to a remote computer which responds with an instruction that tells the phone to perform an action associated with that particular bar code.
- 如果是一个数字,那么就会把它发给远端的电脑,电脑就会反馈回一条指令,让手机去完成一个和该条形码相关的操作。
- 18. It can also be encrypted into the bar code.
- 它也可以被加密到条形码内。
- 19. Shoppers can scan the item's bar code, take its picture, say its name or type out the details on the iPhone.
- 商店顾客可以用爱疯扫描货品的条形码,对货品拍照,说出货品名称或输入货品细节特征。
- 20. That's because they can now use those distinctive black and white stripes to count a population, bar code style.
- 因为他们可以使用斑马身上独特的黑白条纹来统计斑马的数目,就像商品条形码一样。
- 21. They are used in broadcasting, in digital cameras, endoscopy, desktop videoconferencing, fax machines, CCTV cameras, as well as bar code readers.
- 它们用于广播、数码相机、内窥镜检查、桌面视频会议、传真机、闭路电视摄影机、以及条形码阅读器。
- 22. The consumer then scans the bar code on a product with the camera in their smartphone.
- 然后,消费者用其智能手机中的摄像头扫描产品上的条形码。
- 23. Each finished piece and almost every component has an inpidual bar code that is scanned practically every time it is touched.
- 其实每件成品和几乎没个零件都有各自的条形码,基本上它们每动一次,它们的条型码就会被扫描一遍。
- 24. But whereas RFID systems transmit little more than an electronic bar code, NFC offers two-way communication and lets devices interact in more complex ways.
- 不过RFID系统只能传输很少的电子条形码,而NFC可以提供双向传输及设备间更复杂的沟通方式。
- 25. Where no bar code was present, I held the product box in front of the camera and it again recognized it and found the correct match.
- 但当没有条形码时,我就将产品包装盒摆在摄像头前,摄像头就识别这个盒子,然后去找匹配的物件。
- 26. These simplify the process of selling things by identifying goods at a checkout without the need for laser-scanning a bar code.
- 它无需对条形码进行激光扫描就能在结帐处辨别货物,从而简化了售卖程序。
- 27. This code is logged in a database, along with the product's serial number or bar code.
- 此代码连同产品序列号或条形码被记录在数据库中。
- 28. The POS client software starts on the mobile phone, notifying the store that the customer will be using his mobile phone as a bar code scanner and POS client.
- POS客户端软件在移动电话上启动,并通知商店该顾客将使用其移动电话作为条形码扫描仪和 POS 客户端。
- 29. Scan a bar code and it retrieves product information, including prices atonline merchants and local stores (in case you are in the mood to haggle).
- 扫描条形码,它会提取产品信息,包括网上和附近商店价格(以防你打算讨价还价)。
- 30. Scan a bar code and it retrieves product information, including prices atonline merchants and local stores (in case you are in the mood to haggle).
- 扫描条形码,它会提取产品信息,包括网上和附近商店价格(以防你打算讨价还价)。