- 1. Her hands balled into fists.
- 她双手攥拳。
- 2. My hands were balled into fists.
- 我把双手攥成拳头。
- 3. He picked up the sheets of paper, and balled them tightly in his fists.
- 他捡起那几张纸,在手里紧紧地攥成团。
- 4. She was lying in the toy box just balled up.
- 她被卷成一团,躺在玩具箱里。
- 5. She balled the letter into a wad.
- 她将信揉成一团。
- 6. The snow balled under the horse's feet.
- 雪经马蹄踩后成为一个个雪球。
- 7. I got balled up, too.
- 我也被搞糊涂了。
- 8. So I balled it up, now I wish I was dead.
- 于是我将它揉成纸团,现在我不想活了。
- 9. John balled up the gum and stuck it under his chair.
- 约翰把口香糖揉成一团,粘在他椅子下面。
- 10. His eyes were wet, his fists balled, his face stormy.
- 他的眼睛含满泪水,拳头握了起来,面部表情激动。
- 11. The records had been all balled up by inefficient file clerks.
- 因不称职的档案(或卷宗)管理员,档案全被弄得一团糟。
- 12. He was so balled up that he did not know if he was coming or going.
- 他被搞得晕头转向,以致不知道是来还是去。
- 13. I got balled up, too. I seem to have difficulty in dealing with figures.
- 我也被搞糊涂了。好像我处理数字方面有问题。
- 14. You know, it wasn't that big a deal, he just balled up socks and a melon.
- 你知道,这也不算什么,只是拿袜子当球耍罢了,还有一颗香瓜。
- 15. Joe had balled up the business, but it was Jack who was blamed for the mess.
- 乔把生意给搞得乱七八糟的,可是因此而受到责备的确是杰克。
- 16. They got balled up in their directions and drove quite a few miles out of the way.
- 他们被弄得晕头转向,迷了路,把车子开错了好几英里远。
- 17. On hearing that her husband was ill, she balled of that work and hurried back home.
- 一听丈夫得病,她就把那项工作草草了事并赶回家去。
- 18. Ronnie balled up his fists and hurried to the spot where Tim had entered the churchyard.
- 罗尼攥紧拳头沿着蒂姆刚才进入的位置快速进入教堂墓地。
- 19. Now when customers leave clothes balled up in fitting rooms, the saleswoman feels grateful.
- 但是现在,当她发现有顾客随意把衣服丢在试衣间里时,甚至感到高兴——总算有事情做了。
- 20. Even now, Cancilla clutches a balled-up tissue and fights back tears as she talks about the gift.
- 即便是现在,一提起这份礼物时,堪希拉依然会抓下一块破面巾纸去擦泪。
- 21. That did it. Ronnie balled up his fists and hurried to the spot where Tim had entered the churchyard.
- 此话一出,罗尼立刻攥紧了拳头,奔向了蒂姆走进教堂墓地的方向。
- 22. We were riding on the subway when I noticed that he had a missing thumb. He always balled his left hand up into a fist.
- 我们一起在地铁里,我注意到他少了一个拇指,他会习惯性地把左手握成一个拳头。
- 23. When complete, we should have a good idea of minimum and recommended system specs that will be realistic and not low-balled.
- 当完成的时候,我们会比较明确地知道真实的最小系统需求和建议系统需求而不是错误地低估了它。
- 24. Our brains, and the brains of some other animals, have a lot more in common with a balled up piece of paper than you might think.
- 事实上你可能不知道,我们的大脑与个别动物的大脑一样,和揉成一团的纸有许多相似之处。
- 25. In winter, I adore the waddling babies balled up in warm, puffball clothing, while I snack on the delicious, street-cooked wintertime noodle dish.
- 冬日,我喜欢那些包裹在那温暖蓬松的衣服中的蹒跚学步的幼儿,而我吃着那些美味的街头小吃。
- 26. Test results show that the compression strength of pel lets increased by 45. 6% compared to pellets balled with common water under the optimum testing condition - B2C1E1.
- 试验结果表明,在最佳试验条件B2C1E1下,成品球团矿抗压强度比目前生产中普通水造球的抗压强度提高了45.6%。
- 27. Sheldon, I'm not going to defend a big-balled raccoon. Sheldon Well, I don't see how you could. What I'm trying to say is that maybe you can't approach this as a purely intellectual exercise.
- 我没打算为大蛋蛋浣熊说话,我看不出你能做到。我想说的是,或许你不能把,这些当作纯粹智力习题来对待。
- 28. Sheldon, I'm not going to defend a big-balled raccoon. Sheldon Well, I don't see how you could. What I'm trying to say is that maybe you can't approach this as a purely intellectual exercise.
- 我没打算为大蛋蛋浣熊说话,我看不出你能做到。我想说的是,或许你不能把,这些当作纯粹智力习题来对待。