- 1. Each side of the upper jaw has 350-400 baleen plates.
- 上颌两侧各有350-400个鲸须板。
- 2. Large baleen whales are of special concern.
- 大型鲸须鲸是最受关注的物种。
- 3. Baleen traps prey when the whale expels water.
- 布赖德鲸通过排出水流就可以捕食猎物。
- 4. The little shellfish is eaten by baleen whales, salmon, herring and various seabirds.
- 这种小贝类是须鲸、鲑鱼、鲱鱼和各种海鸟的食物。
- 5. Other baleen whales are the blue, fin, gray, humpback, and sei whales and the rorqual.
- 其它的须鲸有蓝鲸、鳍鲸、灰鲸、驼背鲸、鳕鲸和鲸。
- 6. Blood seeped through its baleen as a bulldozer dragged all 28 feet of it across the rocky beach.
- 当一台推土机拖着这头全长28英尺的鲸穿过岩石沙滩时,鲸血渐渐穿过鲸须而渗漏出来。
- 7. Populations of large baleen whales now store only 15 percent of the carbon they had before whaling.
- 大长须鲸种群现在所储存的碳只有捕鲸前的15%。
- 8. Large baleen whales primarily use the lower frequencies and are often limited in their repertoire.
- 大的须鲸主要使用低频,在它们所有的技能中它们使用的很少。
- 9. Modern baleen whales, such as blue whales, can filter small Marine creatures from huge volumes of water.
- 现代的须鲸,如蓝鲸,可以从,从大量的水中过滤小海洋生物。
- 10. Surfacing in warm winter waters off the Baja California coast, a gray whale flashes its baleen plates by a boat.
- 下加利福尼亚海岸(Baja California coast)附近,在冬日温暖的海水里,一条灰鲸浮在水面上,露出了鲸须板,旁边是一条船。
- 11. But it is easier to hear the baleen whale, with its lower-frequency call, than the beaked whales, says Theriault.
- 但是,Theriault说,和喙鲸相比,须鲸发出的叫声频率更低,更容易听到它发出的声音。
- 12. Many species of whales, in general can be pided into two categories: one category is the baleen whales, no teeth;
- 鲸的种类很多,总的来说可以分为两大类:一类是须鲸,没有牙齿;
- 13. Moreover, the bones in the front part of a baleen whale's lower jaw, or mandible, aren't fused as they are in other mammals.
- 另外,须鲸下颚前部的骨骼,也就是所说的下颌骨,并不像其他哺乳动物一样是愈合在一起的。
- 14. Baleen species, on the other hand, appear to have some related brain structures but it is not known whether these are functional.
- 另一方面,鲸须类出现拥有相同的脑结构但是不知道他们是否有用。
- 15. Baleen whales have been tracked by autonomous gliders before, by researchers at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts.
- 马萨诸塞州的WoodsHole Oceanographic研究的研究员们以前是用自主滑翔器来跟踪须鲸。
- 16. However, the position of the eyes so restricts the field of vision in baleen whales that they probably do not have stereoscopic vision.
- 但是眼睛的位置如此严重地限制了须鲸的视野,以致于它们可能不具备立体视觉。
- 17. Unlike orca, which are odontocetes or toothed whales, humpbacks are mysticetes, harmless leviathans with only baleen plates in their mouths.
- 座头鲸不像齿鲸亚目鲸或齿鲸,它们是须鲸亚目、无害的大海兽,嘴里只有须鲸板。
- 18. They are one of only three known shark species that filter feed, as baleen whales do, swimming slowly through plankton-rich water, maws agape.
- 人类已知只有三种鲨鱼是过滤取食的,鲸鲨就是其中一种。取食的时候,它们就像长须鲸一样大张着嘴,缓慢地游过长满了浮游生物的水域。
- 19. If we want to understand the factors that led to gigantism in baleen whales, we'll need to look at fossils yet to be discovered or described.
- 如果我们想更进一步弄清楚导致须鲸体型巨大的缘由的话,我们还需那些尚未被发掘或还原出得化石来佐证。
- 20. The seabirds abandoned fish in favor of krill, shrimp -like crustaceans that are a major component in the diets of fur seals and baleen whales.
- 这种不会飞的海鸟不再喜欢吃鱼,而是转向了有皮毛的海豹和须鲸类喜食的磷虾和虾类的甲壳动物。
- 21. One group of whales has, instead of teeth, long strips of bone, hanging from their upper jaw. This is the baleen whale, the largest animal in the world.
- 有一类鲸鱼,用从上额骨垂下来的长条状的骨头代替牙齿,它就是须鲸,是世界上最大的动物。
- 22. It was a time when the killer whales, or "killers" as they were then called, helped the whalers catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration.
- 在那个时期,杀人鲸,正如当时他们被称呼的,帮助捕鲸者捕杀在每年迁移途中的须鲸。
- 23. There is a known as the "tiger of the sea" killer whale, sometimes dozens of head formed a group, surrounded by a more than 30 tons of baleen whales, a few hours ate it up.
- 有一种号称“海中之虎”的虎鲸,有时好几十头结成一群,围住了一头三十多吨重的长须鲸,几个小时就把它吃光了。
- 24. Baleen whales, including the humpback whales and blue whales, are toothless and instead use hairlike structures called baleen to filter tiny prey such as krill from seawater.
- 长须鲸包括座头鲸和蓝鲸都是没有牙齿的,它们用一种类似毛发般的细小结构——鲸须作为替代捕食方法,利用它们过滤海水中的食物,例如磷虾。
- 25. Baleen whales, including the humpback whales and blue whales, are toothless and instead use hairlike structures called baleen to filter tiny prey such as krill from seawater.
- 长须鲸包括座头鲸和蓝鲸都是没有牙齿的,它们用一种类似毛发般的细小结构——鲸须作为替代捕食方法,利用它们过滤海水中的食物,例如磷虾。